Colorado Voting Guide 2024

Article date: 
11 October 2024
Article category: 
Colorado News
Article Body: 

Here is information on the 2024 election in Colorado:

Vote NO on Proposition 131: the Ranked Choice Voting Disaster.


Colorado voters to decide 14 statewide questions on jampacked November ballot, Complete Colorado, 10 September 2024:

Amendment 79 — This citizens’ initiative would enshrine a right to abortion in the Colorado Constitution, and remove a current constitutional provision that bans the use of public funds for abortions...

Amendment 80 — This citizen initiative would guarantee parents the right to choose which school model is best for their child including everything from traditional brick and mortar to public charter, to home schools, and private schools...

Amendment G — This legislative initiative would expand the property tax exemption for veterans with a disability to include those with “individual unemployability” status.

Amendment H — This legislative initiative creates and independent judicial discipline adjudicative board and creates new rules for the judicial discipline process...

Amendment I — This legislative initiative would make criminal suspects charged with first-degree murder ineligible for bail when the proof is evident or the presumption of guilt is great...

Amendment J — This legislative initiative would remove a sentence from the Constitution that says “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.” Gay marriage has been legal in Colorado since 2014, and in 2015 the US Supreme Court ruled that marriage equality is the law of the nation, making Colorado’s Amendment 43 invalid.

Amendment K — This legislative initiative would change the deadlines for filing initiative and referendum petition signatures and judicial retention notice deadlines. It would shorten the timeline one week in order to allow one extra week for the secretary of state to certify ballot order and content and election officials’ deadline to transmit ballots.

Proposition 127 — This citizen’s initiative would prohibit so-called “trophy hunting” of mountain lions, bobcats, or lynx. Opponents say there is no need for this law as Colorado law already bans the practice, and that this law is simply to deny the ability of the Division of Wildlife to control the big cat population with current, science-based wildlife management practices..

Proposition 128 — This citizen’s initiative would increase the minimum amount of time spent in jail for certain crimes before being eligible for parole...

Proposition 129 — This citizen initiative would create the profession of veterinary professional associate (VPA)...

Proposition 130 — This citizen initiative would create the “Peace Officer Training and Support Fund” to provide funding for law enforcement training, retention, and hiring; training surrounding the use of force. It would also provide death benefits for surviving spouses and children of officers or first responders killed in the line of duty.

Proposition 131 — This citizen initiative would change the way primaries are held in Colorado for S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, governor, attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer, Colorado University board of regents, state board of education, and state legislature by utilizing an open system and ranked-choice voting for the primaries...

Proposition JJ — This legislative initiative would remove Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) revenue restrictions on the tax money collected by the state from sports betting. Currently, the state can only keep up to $29 million.

Proposition KK — This legislative initiative creates a new tax of a 6.5% excise tax on firearms and ammunition manufacturing and sales to be imposed on firearms dealers, manufacturers, and ammunition vendors...


Rosen: Ballot measure picks for Colorado’s November election, Complete Colorado, 29 September 2024:

Amendment G: Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans. Recommendation: Yes...

Amendment H: Judicial Discipline Procedures. Recommendation: Yes. Creates an independent board to judge judges on unethical conduct...

Amendment I: Constitutional Bail Exception for First Degree Murder. Recommendation: Yes...

Amendment J: Repealing the Definition of Marriage in the Colorado Constitution. Recommendation: Yes...

Amendment K: Modify Constitutional Election Deadlines. Recommendation: No. With Democrat control of the state legislature and all statewide offices, the only power dissenting citizens have is the ballot initiative process. Amendment K excessively squeezes the time citizens have to collect signatures and file petitions.

Amendment 79: Constitutional Right to Abortion. Recommendation: No...

Amendment 80: Constitutional Right to School Choice. Recommendation: Yes...

Proposition JJ: Retain Additional Sports Betting Revenue. Recommendation: No... This is another scheme by Democrats to circumvent TABOR and increase taxes on sports betting...

Proposition KK: Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax. Recommendation: No. This imposes a state sales tax of 6.5% on top of the existing 10%-11% federal excise tax for these items. It’s just another anti-gun measure masquerading as a fund raiser...

Proposition 127: Prohibit Bobcat, Lynx, and Mountain Lion Hunting. Recommendation: No. More meddling from animal rights crazies that hate hunters. They hate ranchers, too...

Proposition 128: Parole Eligibility for Crimes of Violence. Recommendation: Yes...

Proposition 129: Establishing Veterinary Professional Associates. Recommendation: Yes...

Proposition 130: Funding for Law Enforcement. Recommendation: Yes...

Proposition 131: Establishing All-Candidate Primary and Ranked Choice Voting General Elections. Recommendation: Hell, No!

This is an absurdly convoluted and impractical electoral scheme that eliminates party primaries on the pretense of replacing our two-party system to elect “moderate” candidates. RCV requires voters to check boxes ranking all competing candidates for the same office, including those they’d never vote for. It’s creators and supporters, like George Soros, are overwhelmingly on the left or simply naïve. In practice, it’s been manipulated by Democrats. At least ten Republican states have already revoked or banned it...


Vote NO on Proposition 131: the Ranked Choice Voting Disaster.

Ranked-choice (Prop. 131) is the scam that can erase your vote, Rocky Mountain Voice, 3 October 2024.


Independence Institute 2024 Voter Guide

Lakewood voters to decide on eliminating taxpayer protections in November, Complete Colorado, 10 September 2024: a yes vote on the measure boils down to an end to refunds of taxes over-collected by the city for good starting in 2026.

Oppose Amendment K: Modify constitutional election deadlines, Rocky Mountain Voice, 3 October 2024.

More on the 2024 election at Complete Colorado.

University of Colorado Regent candidates - 2024 Voter Guide, Colorado Politics.