Colorado lawmakers push state permitting for gun sellers; federal license already required

Article author: 
Sherrie Peif
Article publisher: 
Complete Colorado
Article date: 
14 April 2024
Article category: 
Colorado News
Article Body: 

... Majority Democrats in the Colorado legislature continue to introduce one gun rights restricting bill after another, with the latest being a state permitting scheme for gun dealers.

House Bill 24-1353, Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit, was introduced on February 29 and is sponsored in the House by representatives Emily Sirota, D-Denver and Andrew Boesenecker, D-Fort Collins, and in the Senate by Sen. Jeff Bridges, D-Denver.

It will require gun sellers in Colorado to obtain a state firearms dealer permit in addition to the federal firearms license that is already required.

Any gun dealer who fails to obtain a permit, which would initially cost $400 to obtain, would face an unclassified felony charge, punishable by a fine of up to $250,000. The bill also puts the state Department of Revenue (DOR) in charge of issuing the permits, with the authority to raise that cost yearly without oversight.

Although there is no fiscal note attached to the bill as of the publication of this story, according to multiple websites, as of June 2021, the most recent data available, there are more than 3,050 federal firearms license holders doing business in Colorado. Under the new law and fee, that amounts to more than $1.2 million in new revenue for Colorado...


Video: Chinese Immigrant Congressional Candidate Calls Out Gun-Control Activists, One America News, 19 April 2024.

Gun control - no wolves allowed


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