Biden's failure vs. Trump's success

Article author: 
Joseph Ford Cotto
Article publisher: 
American Thinker
Article date: 
1 July 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

... Under Trump's administration, significant strides were made to fortify America's borders and overhaul the immigration system, which are fundamental pillars of national security and economic stability...

...  drastically reducing refugee resettlement by 85%...

Equally pivotal was the comprehensive overhaul of the refugee security screening process, ensuring that those admitted posed no threat to national security...

The implementation of a comprehensive "public charge" regulation was instrumental in ensuring newcomers could financially support themselves...

Measures aimed at combating "birth tourism" and restricting illegal aliens' access to public housing were critical steps...

This commitment to protecting American jobs was underscored by reforms to the H-1B visa program..

The decision to withdraw from the United Nations's Global Compact on Migration underscored a steadfast dedication to preserving U.S. sovereignty and safeguarding American jobs, reinforcing the administration’s commitment to putting American interests first...

In stark contrast, the Biden administration's approach has been marked by inefficiency and misplaced priorities, resulting in four tumultuous years marred by insecurity and economic instability...

... the decision is not just about who leads the nation, but about the values and vision that will shape America's path forward for years to come.


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