Biden Regime "Reshaping the Electorate" by Processing Citizenship Requests at Rapid Rate

Article publisher: 
Article date: 
13 August 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

The Biden administration is "processing citizenship requests at the fastest clip in a decade" and "reshaping the electorate" ahead of the 2024 election, the New York Times reports.

From The New York Times:

Immigrants Are Becoming U.S. Citizens at Fastest Clip in Years...

[...] "The surge in naturalization efficiency isn't just about clearing backlogs; it's potentially reshaping the electorate, merely months before a pivotal election," said Xiao Wang, chief executive of Boundless, a company that uses government data to analyze immigration trends and that offers services to immigrants who seek professional help in navigating the application process.

"Every citizenship application could be a vote that decides Senate seats or even the presidency," Mr. Wang said.


An Axios poll in April found the majority of Americans now support mass deportations but their will is being completely ignored by our occupiers.


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