Biden / Harris Ordered Agents to Hide Number of Terrorists Crossing Border

Article publisher: 
Geller Report
Article date: 
20 September 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

Biden and Harris told border patrol agents to hide the number of terrorists crossing over the border.Every day something worse is revealed.  It gets worse and worse. And it will only get worse before it gets worse.

They despise you.

In a rational world, this would be wall to wall media coverage. But we don’t have a free press...

Former Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke testified before Congress that the Biden – Scamala Harris administration directed him to conceal the number of terrorists apprehended at the border.

Top Border Patrol Agent Reveals Biden-Harris Told Him To Hide Number Of Terrorists Crossing Border

“The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border.”

By Hank Berrien • Daily Wire. Sep 18, 2024


158 Democrats Voted Against Deporting Migrant Rapists and Pedophiles, Geller Report, 20 September 2024.

Congressional Report: Over 85% of Migrants Arriving at Southern Border Released into U.S. - Biden-Harris Slash Detention Space - Mass ‘Catch and Release’, Breitbart, 20 September 2024.


harris vote for me