Barack Obama: The Political Genius That Wasn't

Article author: 
Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann
Article publisher: 
American Greatness
Article date: 
17 November 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

The presidential election was as much about Barack Obama as it was about Kamala Harris and the Democrats...

Every few months, a sanitized report appears on the post-presidency activities of Barack Obama’s public advocacy. It’s a narrative that conveniently ignores the inherent problems in having a person with no constitutional role or congressional oversight take an active role in executive decision-making.

Over the summer of 2024, Obama emerged as a central figure in government censorship of the internet while launching a new campaign against gun ownership. In earlier times, the spectacle of an ex-president leading simultaneous campaigns against the First and Second Amendments might have generated some interest in the legacy media. But as last week’s election coverage proved, the press is no longer interested in reporting hard facts or maintaining transparency...

Post-presidency, Obama was fixated on collecting laundered wealth from intermediaries such as Spotify and Netflix, buying luxury properties, and hanging out on private yachts with celebrities. His stratospheric levels of egotism and absence of self-awareness motivated him to occasionally appear in public next to Biden as a larger, more popular figure, signaling that he was “The One” who was calling the shots. We know this to be completely false...

He has presented himself as a self-consumed lightweight who was breathtakingly narcissistic even by Washington, D.C., standards...

Obama’s lack of managerial experience and his thin understanding of important issues did not matter - Democrats wanted a malleable figure as the leader of the Free World who could speak decisively, travel the world repeating leftist platitudes convincingly off a teleprompter, and sign anything put in front of him...

Obama’s far-left beliefs, his antipathy toward America, and his racial divisiveness were somewhat hidden at first, yet became quite obvious as he was put on a pedestal by Democrats who were blinded by his charm...

His penchant for “settling scores” resulted in the weaponization of nearly every government agency against American citizens. Race relations were set back to the 1950s. Inequality skyrocketed...

Obama was the DEI-approved face of the Democrat machine that could operate with near impunity, reflexively branding any attempt to resist or criticize him as racist...

Obama utilized the radicalism that was honed during his time as a “community organizer” in Chicago and applied it to the nation. He engineered conflict, caused chaos, and pitted people against each other. It was the classic Marxist notion of “oppressor versus oppressed,”...


Obama was the turning point, by New Neo, 8 November 2024.

Rapid-Onset Political Enlightenment, by David Samuels, Tablet Magazine, 19 December 2024.

How Trump Crushed Obama's Legacy, by David Samuels UnHerd, 8 November 2024.

The Evaporation of the Obama Mystique, by Victor Davis Hanson, 12 December 2024.

The Obamas Get Their Comeuppance, by Jack Cashill, American Thinker, 18 November 2024:

... If Obama had any illusions about his control over events, he was rudely disabused of them on July 21, 2024.  This was the Sunday on which Biden dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris...

Accusing black men of misogyny did not fly with "the brothers" who saw through the black facade of both Harris and Obama...

When that tactic backfired, Obama ended the campaign - and the Obama era - the way he began his career: peddling racial hoaxes...

An estimated 40 percent of black men under 40 voted for Trump. More than half of Hispanic men did the same. "I voted for Obama because he was a black man," one African-American customer at a Pennsylvania barbershop told a CBS reporter. "That was a mistake."...

For the twenty years of his public life, Obama's stature as a black icon protected him from serious media scrutiny.  On November 5, the iconoclasts prevailed...

Obama’s Weaponization of the DOJ, by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke, Truth Over News, 12 November 2024: Obama’s DOJ Slush Fund used settlements from the 2008 financial crisis to fund left-wing activist groups that are still active today.

Obama and Russiagate: The Untold Story, by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke, Truth Over News, 15 November 2024: Part 2 of our series on how Barack Obama undermined U.S. democracy.

Obama Fueled Russia Collusion Lies in Secret White House Meeting,  by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke, Truth Over News, 4 November 2024.

Obama’s Ukraine Cover Up, by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke, Truth Over News, 20 November 2024.

Obama’s Ukraine Cover Up: Part 3 of our series on how Barack Obama undermined U.S. democracy, by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke, Truth Over News, 29 November 2024.

Obama's Middle East Destabilization: Part 4 of our series on how Barack Obama undermined U.S. democracy, by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke, Truth Over News 1 December 2024:

Iran negotiated with a willing counterpart in the Obama Administration and emerged with its Nuclear Program slowed – but essentially intact. In return, Iran was given access to a huge pool of overseas cash and a flood of foreign investment. Iran could rebuild its economy and resume its nuclear program. It could also begin to spread armaments and terror throughout the middle east.

The horror we witnessed in Israel and the resulting spread of war, destabilization and conflict throughout the Middle East falls not only at the feet of Biden but with the originator of all of this. Barack Hussein Obama.


Obama's Shadow: The Deep State and Its Real Faces - Part 5 of our series on how Barack Obama undermined U.S. democracy, by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke, Truth Over News, 18 January 2025.

Former DNC Donor/Fundraiser Says Joe Biden’s Presidency ‘Was for Sure Obama’s Third Term’ (VIDEO), Gateway Pundit, 10 February 2025.


Obama hope and change my ass