The Bafflegab of the West’s ‘Dhimmi Wits’
The West is almost completely saturated with “Dhimmi Wits.” This term is self-explanatory, I think. Unfortunately, I can’t claim authorship. I need to confess to flagrantly purloining it from the brilliant Religion of Peace website. It is too good and apt to be confined. Incidentally, do visit the site....
... Well, nationalism is the last stand against Islam. There is nothing left. Islam thrives on crossing borders. It always has. By open conquest or now, predominantly, by Hijrah (insidious conquest via immigration). Transnationalism, globalism, open borders, idiots waving “refugees are welcome” signs; these are all invitations to come and subjugate us.
But nationalism means more than having secure borders – deciding who will come in and, critically, who will be kept out. It defines who we are, our culture, our institutions, how we deal with each other....
Imagine how awful it would be for our granddaughters if the religious rules which govern the lives of those in Islamic states were enforced on them. To paraphrase Hugh Gaitskell, British Labour Party leader in 1960: As nationalists, we have to fight, and fight, and fight again, to save the country we love.