American Woke Newspeak is Orwell’s Newspeak
... Words are being twisted and turned so that they no longer mean what reality implies. Based on political decisions made by the socialist educators, certain writers and books are being purged from the American literature and from schools.
Most recently, Dr. Seuss and Laura Ingalls Wilder came in the crosshairs of woke leftist educators in America who see their writings as having “racial undertones” and thus not suitable for “culturally responsive” learning. I am not sure what “culturally responsive” learning is, but it is a form of woke Newspeak....
Orwell’s 1984 Newspeak, the official language of Oceania, was created to “meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc, or English Socialism.” Our current “woke” euphemistic language has been created by the left to promote socialism and Marxism. To obliterate reality, writings that depict historical reality must be destroyed, including Little House on the Prairie and other such beloved children’s classics....
Woke Newspeak has become the language of our mass communication, with emphasis on racial justice, social justice, transgenderism, altered reality, manufactured history, multi genderism bias, triggered, gender distortion, systemic racism, cultural race theory, white privilege, and less white.
Orwell’s Newspeak was so precise that words like “thought” and “science” did not exist. The mandated A Vocabulary was designed for use in everyday life. The B Vocabulary was invented for political purposes to force the individual to have a “desirable mental attitude” approved by the powers that be.
In our modern Wokespeak, an example of Newspeak would be systemic racism, invented concepts to make political points where none exist....
Marx wrote in his Communist Manifesto that
What Is the Ultimate Endgame For 'Woke' Ideology, by Ben Bartee republished by The Daily Bell, ZeroHedge, 13 April 2023: