American Marxists, Take Your Fictitious Systemic Racism and White Privilege and Shove It
Over the past fifty years the Marxist-inspired American Left has been hellbent on trying to convince the citizenry that the United States is and always has been a malevolent nation due to “systemic racism” and “white privilege.”...
Therefore, the current white population must openly confess their collective guilt and seek forgiveness....
Not coincidentally, this same American Left, or as Mark Levin more accurately labels them, American Marxists, have declared that there is a path toward national redemption and a mechanism to forever erase the stain of “white privilege” and “systemic racism.” It is for the American Marxists (almost entirely populated by members of the white race) to assume the reins of power in perpetuity and transform the nation into a one-party secular socialist paradise....
... even if I knew who my ancestors were, I do not have a scintilla of guilt nor do I care about what they may or may not have done over the centuries. Nor am I about to roll over and allow the wannabe autocrats and their dimwitted acolytes in the American Marxist movement to use fictitious “systemic racism” and “white privilege” as vehicles to transform the nation....
... it is estimated that a virtually everyone of European descent has an ancestor that was captured or sold as a slave. ...
Sadly, slavery still exists to this day in multiple countries in Africa as well as in India, China and Pakistan among other Asian countries and across the entirety of the Middle East. It is estimated that throughout the world today there are over 40 million human beings in slavery. ...
None of these countries or regions are populated or controlled by the “evil” White race. Further, by 1863, all nations inhabited or governed by the ancestors of the current members of the white race had abolished slavery in perpetuity and turned their attention to guaranteeing the rights of former slaves....
So, American Marxists: take your attempt to cast this as a racist nation and your attempt to convince the citizenry they should be mortified to be citizens of the United States and shove it....
National Parent Group Emerges to Fight ‘Woke’ Education, Says It Harms Children, Epoch Times, June 13, 2021.