America Must Have Race Realism

Article author: 
Jared Taylor
Article publisher: 
Aporia / American Renaissance
Article date: 
20 August 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

It is folly to try to build a multiracial society like that of the United States on the assumption that people of all races have the same average intelligence and temperament. This assumption leads to expectations that cannot be met. Over the past 50 years, repeated disappointments have not led to a reconsideration of the assumption of equality, but instead to distortions of the moral basis of American society, a complete rewriting of American history, and growing numbers of embittered whites. Unless there is a change of direction, many whites will turn their backs on their country and its institutions. This will mean psychological and social secession for many, less healthy reactions for some...

The goal was for all Americans to set aside racial loyalties and build a colorblind America.

Most whites tried to do this. They tried - as hard as I believe any group of people can - to accept and be fair to people of all races. It wasn’t enough. The lives of blacks, which had been improving since the 1920s, did not dramatically get better...

Explanations for black failure therefore became more intricate: Whites were “colorblind” racists, unconsciously racist, even inherently racist. Racism was not, as was once thought, bad white people doing bad things. Even well-intentioned whites were unwitting partners in “systemic” racism...

This is magical thinking - voodoo. It requires no causal mechanisms. Every racial difference, whether in incarceration or welfare rates, life-expectancy, average net worth, test scores, obesity, or asthma, can be blamed - by assertion alone - on whites...

Some whites are trying to fight back against the worst excesses of “wokeness,” but they cannot win if they accept egalitarian dogma...

There is only one way out for whites and for the country: accept race differences...

Even Wikipedia, riddled with left-wing biases, in its article on Race and IQ concedes that “a 2001 meta-analysis of the results of 6,246,729 participants tested for cognitive ability or aptitude found a difference in average scores between black people and white people of 1.1 standard deviations,” which means a difference of about 15 IQ points...

Egalitarians refuse to let blacks grow up. They tell them that both individually and as a group, they are always being cheated. It isn’t healthy to think you are always being cheated. It is much better to accept limitations, develop strengths, and get on with life...