1,100 anchor babies born every day in America
According to a new analysis from John Binder at Breitbart, there were roughly 400,000 anchor babies born in the U.S. in 2024 alone...
400,000 anchor babies per year means around 1,100 anchor babies per day; this means more than 11 percent of births taking place on U.S. soil are individuals who are not legitimate citizens and have no right to be here.
400,000 anchor babies means... probably 400,000 illegal alien mothers are now fast-tracked to their own citizenship, and we can assume a majority of these anchor babies also anchor an illegal alien father as well. For a very rough estimate, that means 800,000 illegals now have a “legitimate” reason to remain in the U.S., and if each woman were giving birth to one child, that’s 1.2 million people each year being grafted into American society through unscrupulous and unfair means.
... With the median cost of childbirth and postnatal care amounting to around $17,000, that’s $6.8 billion a year...
As conservatives, we certainly have a heart for innocent people caught in the crossfire of bad policy...
That being said, there is no obligation, moral or otherwise, to continue with anchor baby policies—the parents must go home, and take their children with them. I refuse to give in to the gaslighting that somehow the plight of these foreign children is my burden and it’s on me to cede ground to lawlessness...
Analysis: Nearly 400K Anchor Babies Born in 2024, Exceeding Population of New Orleans, Breitbart, 2 January 2025.
Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment.
Misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution:
Quite simply, the Fourteenth Amendment currently is being interpreted to grant automatic birthright citizenship to children born in the United States of illegal alien parents (called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency). This clearly is contrary to the original intent of Congress and the States in ratifying the Fourteenth Amendment.
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Consittution
US Should Stop Being One Of Only Two First-World Countries That Allows Anchor Babies, by Mike Davis, The Federalist, 3 February 2025:
By any reasonable measure, unrestricted birthright citizenship, the practice of giving citizenship to almost anyone born in America, is an irrational policy. It abdicates the composition of the nation's citizenry to chance, instead of bringing it within our control. It communicates a deep unseriousness about our sovereignty and national security to the rest of the world...
Corporate media outlets will remind you that we aren’t alone, that around 30 other countries do the same. But what they usually don’t report is that those countries are the likes of Grenada, Nicaragua, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados. Not a single European country follows our lead. Nor do Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and the list goes on. Only one country in the world with a per-capita GDP anywhere near the United States’ matches our policy — Canada...
The United Kingdom, which had birthright citizenship dating back to the "ancient common law," did away with it in the 1980s. Ireland got rid of it in 2005. New Zealand a year later. Germany, which tried to grab the mantle of "leader of the free world" during President Trump's first term, doesn't grant citizenship to a child of foreign parents unless one parent possesses a permanent right of residence and has legally resided in the country for at least eight years...