Border security and porous United States - Mexico border wall / fence
The following video reveals how dangerous our porous US-Mexico border is and the danger that cartel operations pose to America. In this 40 minute NAFBPO video, Zack Taylor of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) reveals critical information about our porous border. It is well worth watching.
The two fundamental ways to protect America from unauthorized aliens entering our country, evading apprehension at our border, and displacing American workers in the workplace are to:
- Secure our border - particularly the US - Mexico border, and
- Enforce existing laws which make it illegal to aid, abet, and hire illegal aliens. Mandatory use of the federal E-verify and IMAGE programs would go a long way toward achieving that objective.
The Secure Fence Act of 2006 called for at least 700 miles of double layered fencing along the US - Mexico Border.
As of February, 2009, The Department of Homeland Security had constructed only 5% of the border fence called for by the Secure Fence Act of 2006, yet in locations where the fence was built it has significantly cut illegal immigration.
This following video reports comprehensive research conducted by American Border Patrol on the Border Fence, Where it is, and How it Works.
This interactive map allows you to view the border fence - or lack thereof - at various locations. It is evident that only small portions of our porous border actually have been secured with appropriate fencing.
This video explains how the Department of Homeland Security has misled the mainstream media and the American people on border fence security. Border Fence Fraud - This is Not a Fence.
The video reports that on December 18, 2008, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff stated that "we now have over 500 miles of fence". On December 10, 2008 and January 7, 2009, American Border Patrol flew survey missions along the border, concluding that 527 miles of "something" were built, but it was not fencing. A December 20, 2008 DHS press release explained that the government was counting 248 miles of vehicle barriers in the total. Excluding vehicle barriers, only 274 miles of fencing had been built as of January 6, 2009. When old existing mat fencing is subtracted from the total, only 199 miles of new fencing had been built by DHS, not the 700 miles as demanded by Congress.
Indeed, the Arizona Republic newspaper reported that drug smugglers were now using portable ramps to get over the vehicle barriers. Flimsy vehicle barriers do not count as a fence and do not follow the mandate of Congress.
In the following video, American Border Patrol explains how near San Diego, a 10 mile double layer fence has cut illegal entry by 90%. Unfortunately, hundreds of miles of old, broken fence still exist along our border.
The video The Fence and the Mexican Drug War explains that secure fencing actually works.
The video documents Customs and Border Inspection reports that when 6.07 miles of pedestrian fencing was completed near the Columbus, New Mexico port of entry, apprehensions in that corridor also dropped more than 60 percent from 2007 to 2008. Narcotics transport dropped by 100 percent during the same time period. The video shows that as of September 24, 2007, a new fence had cut off hundreds of vehicle trails across the border.
In order to secure our nation from illegal entry, Congress should reinstate the Secure Fence Act of 2006, extending fence construction to 1,000 miles of double-layered fencing. Construction and maintenance must be fully funded. A 1,951-mile full-length border fence would cost only 3.2 percent of the $104 billion spent on highway construction annually.1
Advanced technology
Advanced technology has been developed by ABP to detect traffic across the border. The system, named IDENTISEIS, uses seismic detection equipment used by major oil companies, modified to detect surface disturbances. It can detect people walking at a distance of 600 feet, as compared to sensors used by the Border Patrol, which detect traffic only at a distance of 30 feet. IDENTISEIS also detects vehicles and low flying airplanes.
Integration of US border technology and IDENTISEIS demonstration, American Border Patrol, August 19, 2013:
Expert Exposes DHS at GovSec West 2013: Speaking before the November 20, 2013 GOVSEC West conference on government security, Glenn Spencer, head of American Border Patrol, makes the case for a new approach to border security. In the first 15 minutes of this 55 minute video, Glenn Spencer describes border fence situation in detail.
Additional information and resources
1. How Come We Can Have 40,000 miles Of Interstate, But Not 2,000 Miles Of Border Fence? by Ed Rubenstein, October, 2004.
This article explains that a 1,951-mile full-length border fence would cost only:
- 3.2 percent of the $104 billion spent on highway construction annually, or
- 0.7 percent of the defense budget for FY2004 ($452 billion), or
- 0.14 percent of the entire U.S. Federal budget for FY2004.
2. Do We Want A Border Fence - Or 14 Days of Iraq War? Etc... Ed Rubenstein, August 2, 2006:
From the time U.S. forces invaded Iraq in March 2003, $254 billion has been spent on U.S. military activities [CBO, “Estimated Costs of U.S. Operations in Iraq Under Two Specified Scenarios,” July 16, 2006. PDF] there, according to the Congressional Budget Office. (This does not include $14 billion spent to train and equip Iraqi forces and $22 billion for reconstruction and relief efforts.) In the current fiscal year, the Pentagon is spending about $7.25 billion a month on the war in Iraq, or about $240 million per day...
A serious commitment to border security would require fencing off the entire southern border -all 1,891 miles of it. (For comparison, we have 40,000 miles of Interstate highways.) At $1.7 million per mile (the cost of the first 10 mile stretch in San Diego), the entire U.S.-Mexican border could be sealed off for $3.3 billion dollars.
Iraq spending equivalent: 13.8 days...
3. The Case for the Border Fence, Conservative Review, August 28, 2015:
The 245-mile security fence in Israel cost $450 million, averaging $1.8 million per mile. Assuming the completion of our security fence would cost the same amount, the total tab would come in at just under $2 billion. Even if we use higher estimates of 9 million per mile, as estimated by DHS for the cost of the San Diego fence, that would amount to roughly $6 billion for the project.
Now consider the cost savings of each illegal alien inhibited from entering the country. According to a conservative estimate by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, for every illegal alien that returns home (or is prevented from crossing the border), taxpayers save $700,000. That means we would reach the break-even point after preventing just the first 8,500 illegal immigrants from crossing...
4. Secure Border Intel conducts analysis of border patrol radio activity and geo-maps that activity. They also provide hidden video of illegal entry into the United States.
5. Desert Invasion reveals the amount of destruction to sensitive environmental border areas caused by tens of thousands of illegal border crossers.
6. Video: Living on US-Mexico Border, Native Americans Face Daily Struggles
This investigative video reveals that drugs and illegal aliens cross the US-Mexico border into the Tohono O'odham Nation. Drug cartels are becoming more aggressive in smuggling drugs into the United States, while the US Border Patrol is becomming more aggressive in trying to halt criminal activity. Native Americans on the Tohono O'odham Nation are significantly impacted with breakins, vehicle theft, and crime.
A tribal leader states, "When they say that the borders are secure on the US-Mexican border, that is not true. They are not secure. If you come to Tohono O'odham, they are not secure."
7. Video: Border Patrol Insider Speaks Out: “They’re Anticipating A Large National Crisis... Something Drastic”, July 18, 2014.
8. Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) - Illegal alien kiddie colonists invited by Obama administration.
9. Trump's Wall, by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Canada Free Press, January 28, 2017.
10. Halting Invasion Will Pay for Trump’s Wall 4x Over Every Year, The New Observer, January 27, 2016.
11. Which costs more: Trump's border wall or illegal aliens? - U.S. taxpayers suffer $100 billion annual burden from influx, World Net Daily, February 7, 2017.
12. The Cost of a Border Wall vs. the Cost of Illegal Immigration - Wall only needs to stop 9% to 12% of illegal crossings to cover costs, Center for Immigration Studies, February 16, 2017.
13. Border fences work, by Daniel Horowitz, Conservative Review, January 25, 2017.
14. How to pay for the wall, by Andy Schlafly, World Net Daily, May 10, 2017.
15. Video: Hermes the drone tours America's southern border, American Border Patrol, November 17, 2017.
16. Border Walls Work, by Westley Parker, American Renaissance, February 16, 2018. Photos and charts show that border walls are highly effective workdwide.
17. Here is a collection of more videos - well worth watching. Videos: ranchers on the border speak out about the illegal alien invasion and need for the border wall.