Articles, Journals, and Reports on Islam


Learn more about the political system of Islam. The short book, A Self-Study Course on Political Islam Level 1, is particularly informative. Available in paperback, PDF, audio CD, and MP3.
  • What Makes Islam So Successful?, An Inquiry Into Islam, November, 2016. 28 points - well worth reading.
  • News flash: Where you live is the House of War, by Robert Curry, American Thinker, June 7, 2017.
  • The Progression of Sharia and Jihad in Non-Muslim Countries, by Dr. Peter Hammond, Geller Report, September 3, 2017.
  • Does Trump Grasp the Reality of Radical Islam?, Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, December 31, 2016. An excellent overview of Islam and the mideast situation.
  • Combating Political Islam, by David Reaboi, Kyle Shideler, Claremont Institute, December 9, 2016. Another substantive overview of Islam and the mideast situation.
  • Who's Up for a Crusade? by Joe Ragonese, U.S. Defense Watch, May 27, 2017. Good perspective.
  • Essential Islam, Dr. Brad Lyles, Canada Free Press, March 23, 2016.
  • 4 Stages of Islamic Conquest, Civilus Defendus.
  • Islam - A Short Synopsis Of How It Conquers, News With Views, April 12, 2018.
  • The unchanging reality of Muslim terror - so long as Muslims remain among us, by Lawrence Auster, 2004:

    We will have terrorist attacks and threats of terrorists attacks and inconvenient and humiliating security measures and the disruption of ordinary activities FOREVER, as long as Muslims are in the West in any significant numbers. The Muslim terrorists are part and parcel of the Muslim community. According to a survey reported in the Scotsman, 24 percent of Muslims in Britain (I never describe them as "British Muslims") believe the July 2005 London bombings were justified. Imagine that. Not only do these Muslims in Britain support terrorism against Britain, they’re not afraid to say so openly to a pollster! The unchangeable fact is that wherever there is a sizable Muslim community there will be a very large number of terror supporters and therefore—inevitably—actual terrorists as well.

    This is our future, FOREVER, unless we stop Muslim immigration and initiate a steady out-migration of Muslims from the West until their remaining numbers are a small fraction of what they are now and there are no true believers among the ones that remain. Travelers from Muslim countries must be tightly restricted as well. Muslims must be essentially locked up inside the Muslim lands, with only carefully screened individuals allowed into the non-Muslim world.

    The enemy are among us, in America, in Britain, in the West, and will remain so until we remove them from the West and indeed from the entire non-Muslim world. As extreme as this sounds, it is a no-brainer. There is no other solution. All other responses to this problem add up to meaningless hand-wringing. The hand-wringing will go on FOREVER, along with the terrorist attacks and the threat of terrorist attacks, until we take the ONLY STEPS that can actually and permanently end the threat.

  • Poland: Refusing to Import Muslims is Only Proven Counter-Terror Method, Breitbart, June 6, 2017.
  • A Real Islam Policy for a Real America, Lawrence Auster, February 8, 2009.
  • Sharia Uber Alles, American Thinker, May 4, 2013.
  • Mohammed, Islamic History, and the Bloody Future of the West, Real Facts Media, March 22, 2016.
  • Ten Arabic Words: A challenge to national security professionals engaged in the Global War On Terror, Gates of Vienna, May 20, 2016.
  • America as the last man standing, speech by Geert Wilders, Independent Republic, December 7, 2009.
  • How Much of our Culture Are We Surrendering to Islam?, by Giulio Meotti, Gatestone Institute, June 21, 2016.
  • Islam Is Not a Civilization, by Paul Eidelberg, American Thinker, September 4, 2016:

    ... The social philosopher Lou Harris offers a broader assessment of Islam in Civilization and Its Enemies. Contemptuous of the cultural relativism propagated by American colleges and universities, Harris means by civilization a standard of behavior that can be applied across cultures and across history. He sees civilization as having four prerequisites: a stable social order, the co-operation of individuals pursuing their own interests, the ability to tolerate or socialize with one's neighbors, and a hatred of violence...

  • Muslim migration is "the all-time biggest Trojan Horse", Ted Belman, Canada Free Press, September 22, 2016.
  • What Does ISIS Hope to Achieve With Random Violence?, November 24, 2016:

    The bigger goal, the central Islamic goal is, of course, to bring non-Muslims under the rule of Islamic law. That goal is laid out clearly and unmistakably in standard Islamic doctrine. But why does ISIS think that randomly blowing up and shooting infidels will achieve this?

    The strategy ISIS and other orthodox Muslims are now following was laid out by by the late Sheikh Abu-Bakr Naji. His big insight was this: It is impossible now to achieve Islam's prime directive the traditional way, which was to invade countries and establish Islamic law by force. This method may have worked fine when non-Muslim countries were unconcerned with things happening in other parts of the world. Back in those days, using the traditional method, Islam successfully established most of the now-existing 56 Muslim countries. But these days non-Muslim countries are too powerful militarily and would stop it.

    So in 2005, Naji proposed a new strategy: He said the way to ultimately accomplish the prime directive is to fight the entire non-Muslim world everywhere at once, and to create an increasing occurrence of ever-more-violent events so non-Muslims everywhere would feel insecure and would eventually live in constant fear of violent death. They would lose trust in their government's ability to protect them. They would become exhausted from insecurity and fear, and would then be willing to embrace Islamic rule just to make the violence stop and to be able to live in some sort of peace...

  • Why I Refuse to Lie About Islam, Bruce Bawer, PJ Media, June 5, 2017.

  • Propaganda Then and Now, Understanding the Threat, January 5, 2016.
  • How Muslims Take Control of America, by Amil Imani, American Thinker, June 11, 2017.




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