Your True Inflation Tax

13 September 2024
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Understanding Your True Inflation Tax

Why is everything so expensive? Prices are rising because of the federal government's reckless spending, paid for by printing new money that devalues your dollars. These new dollars dilute the value of the dollars you own, which forces you to spend more to purchase the same items. It acts like an invisible tax.

Here is a Personal Inflation Calculator that you can use to see how much inflation is costing you, courtesy The Heritage Foundation.

You are paying more for gas, groceries, and rent because the government is spending and printing more money.


Interest payments on just federal government debt now exceed the entire Defense Department budget, Geller Report, 12 September 2024: 

Grab your pay stub for June and see how much you paid in federal income tax, then realize that over 75% of that was effectively your contribution to interest on the debt last month. No roads, schools, military or hospitals - just interest. 

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How the Cloward-Piven strategy is fundamentally transforming America, by Fred Elbel, CAIRCO.

Is The Cloward-Piven Strategy Being Used To Destroy America? by Brandon Smith, Alt-Market, Zero Hedge, 4 July 2014.