Why I'm Voting For Trump

19 October 2024

The Harris agenda includes

This is not a personality contest

From the article I'm Voting For Him, And Here's Why, by Jason, Burning Platform, 17 October 2024:

I can’t stand Donald Trump. He is braggy, he insults people for no reason, and he is just a brutal personality. But my mind is made up. I’m voting for him and here’s why:

* He puts Americans and their well-being first. Kamala will not.

* He will bring @elonmusk into his cabinet to be the efficiency czar and get rid of waste...

* He will bring @RobertKennedyJr into his cabinet to Make American Healthy Again...

* I’m sick of the way the media lies continuously about @realDonaldTrump, starting with the incessant racism claims... The latest thing I learned? He sent his plane to fly Nelson Mandela home after he was in jail... the U.S. wouldn’t do it...

* I’m sick of the U.S. being embroiled in foreign wars...

* Trump sees this country as fundamentally good. Kamala sees it as inherently evil.

* Trump will end the nonsense of the open border...

* This government has to print billions to care for the illegals... prices zoom upward...

* He will keep men out of women’s bathrooms and women’s sports.

* He is a heavyweight personality and negotiator. Kamala is a phony personality and a lightweight negotiator.

* The people who want Kamala Harris to win are the most annoying people in the country. They have pushed for pronouns, masks, endless vaccines, cancel culture, riots, blatant racism towards whites, gender confusion, undermining the U.S. constitution...

* Harris and the media trying to prop her up hid Biden’s cognitive decline... She wants to pack the Supreme Court. She wants to eliminate the filibuster... And the threat to democracy is Trump? Nonsense...

* Every time she talks, I try to give her a chance. But she is the most phony and condescending politician I have ever seen. Ever...

* She and those who support her are resistant to Voter ID and believe requiring an ID is racist...


Why Women Should Vote for Trump, Tiffany Marie Brannon, Burning Platform, 19 October 2024:

Dear fellow women,

You are being played...

I’m an affluent 30-something divorced, white, childless, American woman with multiple postgraduate degrees, and a busy career...

I should also really hate Donald Trump. But I don’t.

Lest we forget, the presidency is not a popularity contest. There seems to be some confusion on that front. You aren’t casting a ballot for Prom Queen, you’re voting for the leader of the free world. It’s why that little thing called the Electoral College exists...

I’ve heard other women say they’re voting for Vice President Kamala Harris because “she’s more iconic” than Trump. My response: what about inflation, foreign or domestic policy, war, immigration, education, human trafficking, or any other serious issue?

The truth is, if you actually voted for real pro-women policies, you’d vote for Trump.

And the Left knows this.

That’s why the Democratic Party has spent untold millions making Abortion the #1 issue for women...

Yet even if you’re a passionately pro-choice voter, it’s silly to consider abortion as the critical issue at stake in this election. After all, Trump has already said he doesn’t favor a national abortion ban and that he would veto any such bill...

We’ve been inundated with the message that voting for an objectively unpopular and recognized failure of a Vice President because she loves abortion, possesses a female reproductive system, and is of minority ethnicity is more important than anything else that matters.

Ladies – don’t be so easily fooled.

Trump’s record speaks for itself and is deserving of closer attention by female voters...

This is not a personality contest... It is our duty as citizens to vote for the best policies, laws, and chances for us and our loved ones to thrive for years to come. Women voters are no exception to this rule...


2024: Voting by Facts, Not Feelings, by Rick Hayes, American Thinker, 21 October 2024:

When Harris and Biden stepped into office in 2021, they inherited Trump’s 1.4% inflation rate. They quickly exploded the overall inflation rate to 19.75 by passing the American Rescue Plan Act. Then, in August 2022, the Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act because of Kamala’s tie-breaking vote. That act authorized $891 billion in additional spending, massively increasing inflation.

Harris’s philosophy of restricting gas and oil production had a substantial detrimental effect on American consumers. The national average cost of gasoline under Kamala rose 47%. Americans paid $2.28 per gallon under Trump, but that same gallon would cost $3.35 today. Under Kamala, filling up a 20-gallon gas tank would cost Americans $67; under Trump, it would cost only $45.60, or $21.40 less.

... The unnecessary increase had a catastrophic domino effect. Groceries became more expensive by 20%, electricity went up 28%, and rent went up 21%. Nearly everything Americans purchased became far more costly...

... Kamala has historically supported sanctuary cities and an open southern border.  When in power, she immediately stopped the construction of Trump’s border wall and ended Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy.  Harris categorized the wall as being “racist, medieval, anti-immigrant, Trump’s vanity project, and a waste of taxpayer money.”

Her goal has always been to decriminalize illegal crossings...

Harris & Walz: Everything You Need to Know


Trump vs Kamala first term