Why The Engineered Cultural Replacement

30 January 2024
by Fred Elbel

The Biden regime has now illegally given over one million illegal aliens "parole amnesty". Indeed, the Biden regime is breaking all records:

A letter from former national security officials clearly states that The United States is Facing a New and Imminent Danger from the invasion of military-age males.

Here are videos of the invasion: more recruits for Joe Biden's army of illegal voters. As Tucker Carlson has noted, what's happening at the southern border is an invasion and a crime.

Our Open Border Policy Is Not an Accident. Why is the Biden Regime hell-bent on bringing illegal alien invaders into the United States?

An obvious explanation is that the Great Replacement is an electoral strategy. Indeed, Democrats admit they need illegals for their votes. Another explanation is that this is part of the Cloward-Piven strategy to fundamentally transform America into a socialist utopia.

In the 29 January 2024 American Thinker article. Denationizing the United States, Gary Gindler notes that a nation differs from a state in that a nation persists across generations over time. The orchestrated illegal alien invasion is a tool used in attempt to dissolve this continuity and the timeless perseverance of the American nation.

Here are selected excerpts:

The Rio Grande border conflict is not an isolated incident. It is part of the World Economic Forum program of "denationization" of the United States.

In the same way that a "state" is a form of self-organization of human society, a "nation" can also be treated as a form of self-organization... Russian conservative philosopher Nicolai Berdyaev ;was the first to devise a formula to discern between them a century ago... Berdyaev stated that humans are mortal; therefore, a state or government, as an example of human creation, is also mortal. "Nation" emerged when our ancestors realized the need to self-organize along transcendental lines rather than administrative ones.

The newly created self-organized form was intended to achieve what was radically unachievable -- immortality...

A country is created when its boundaries are drawn and its administration is set up. A nation is created when a communication link is up and running, connecting the past, present, and future...

The modern leftists are fighting so fiercely for the "rights of immigrants," not because the fate of illegal aliens worries them in any way. It is because globalists anticipate illegal immigrants as the main "engine of the revolution," which must bring about socialist transformations and catapult the globalists to power...

Basically, the globalists' idea might be expressed as follows: "If our citizens do not vote for us, we will import hordes that will." The Texas National Guard on the banks of the Rio Grande protects not only the state and not only the country. They secure the immortality of the American nation.

The following article offers perspective on why we have engineered cultural replacement and how it will be used against Americans: Cultural Replacement: Why The Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered, by Brandon Smith, Alt-Market.us, Lew Rockwell, 26 January 2024. A few excerpts follow.

There is absolutely no doubt - Elements of our own government are deliberately encouraging the acceleration of illegal immigration across the southern border and they are actively sabotaging any attempts to stop the madness. There are two questions we need to ask: Why are they doing this? And, what can be done to stop them?...

The majority of nations on the planet today have strict immigration rules, yet, America and the EU are the only regions attacked for wanting to limit the flow of illegals.

Why is that?... This is unsustainable and the establishment knows it...

Operation Garden Plot And Martial Law

In 1968 the US Department of Defense at the request of the government drafted a civil disturbance plan called 'Operation Garden Plot' which outlined what was essentially a martial law response to large scale social breakdown. One of the main factors listed in the plan as a trigger for martial law was the uncontrolled mass migration of minorities into the US...

Garden Plot has provisions designed to install a long lasting domestic military presence in the US if deemed necessary, and was even tied to programs like REX 84 which planned out the installation of "FEMA camps" or detention facilities meant to hold large numbers refugees during a mass migration crisis...

.... were they meant to use the crisis as an excuse to put boots on the ground in the US and permanently end whatever constitutional protections we have left?...

Amnesty And Creating An Illegal Immigrant Military

Democrats have fielded multiple bills including legislation in 2022 to give illegal immigrants [illegal alien invaders] the option to serve in the US military and gain citizenship as a reward...

I also believe that this migrant army will be used against the American public (the real citizenry) to impose martial law measures in the wake of a national disaster...

Cultural Replacement Theory

... The replacement going on is not so much about replacing white people as it is about replacing western culture. The goal, I believe, is to open the floodgates to foreign elements because most of them come from more socialist systems that have no understanding of individual freedom...

This is why you will hear Biden and his ilk constantly pontificate on... the conservative "threat to democracy."... They are talking about collectivism, socialism and ultimately authoritarianism for the "sake of the greater good."...

The Biden Administration is in dereliction of its duty to keep the country safe from foreign invasion...

At this point, you might be thinking: these are really worst-case scenarios that can't happen in America. Let's hope not. Yet so much has transpired over the course of the last decade to erode Constitutional freedoms that the improbable no longer seems impossible.


Stop Allowing Noncitizens To Determine Congressional and Presidential Representation, by Lora Ries, Heritage Foundation, 23 November 2024:

1. Democratic-controlled states have gained congressional seats by welcoming and harboring illegal aliens.
2. This warped representation is carried over into the Electoral College.
3. Congress must put an end to the electoral influence of a growing noncitizen population...

Barring the Census from including noncitizens in apportionment is critical in making sure that American citizens - the only population who can and should vote in U.S. elections - are picking America's leaders.

Biden's intentional border crisis has produced unprecedented apportionment issues, distorting the representation that states have in the House, and how many electoral votes they have in presidential elections...


Ex-FBI leaders warn of fighting-age males’ invasion

Illegal Alien Invasion of America: I Am SO Damned Angry at Biden and Congress

More recruits for Joe Biden's army of illegal voters - video

How The Great Replacement Impacts Elections

Cloward-Piven strategy - fundamentally transforming America

The Great Replacement Is an Electoral Strategy

Illegal Alien Invaders Sent to Swing States In Mass Numbers Under the Biden - Harris Regime


The invasion of America - Tucker Carlson
Biden regime immigration policy is deliberate - Victor Davis Hanson on 'Life, Liberty & Levin'