Unraveling the Green Energy Narrative

25 March 2025
Article category: Highlights. Tags: 

Here is a detailed and interesting examination of the Green Energy narrative. In a nutshell:

  1. Green Energy can not replace combustion energy, and 
  2. China and India's emissions will dwarf America's emissions.

Thus it would appear that the Green New Deal agenda is more oriented to controlling Western consumers and the economy than offering a substantive energy solution.

Examination of the Green Energy narrative explains its failings. Excerpts follow:


Unraveling the Narrative Supporting a Green Energy Transition, by Russ Schussler, Planning Engineer, 19 February 2025.

The purpose of this article is to summarize and debunk many of the issues in the narrative surrounding the proposed green energy transition as applies to the electric grid. The issues are so numerous that this piece is at once both too long and too short. A full unraveling deserves a book or series of books. This posting however challenges the narrative through summary comments with links to previous posts and articles which can be read for a more detailed explanation or for greater depth.

The Narrative

Efforts to hasten a “green transition” find support in a powerful and compelling narrative. The following statements are widely believed, embraced and supported by various “experts”, a large part of the public and far too many policy makers:

  1. Renewable Energy can meet the electric demand of the United States and World
  2. Renewable Energy is economic
  3. Renewable Energy sources can provide reliable electric service to consumers and support the grid
  4. Renewable energy sources are inexhaustible and widely available...

It’s all about Urgency and Action...

Unfortunately, the collective narrative as frequently adopted is at odds with the economics and physical realities of providing electric power and supporting civilization...

Unraveling the Narrative

Renewable Energy can meet the electric demand of the United States and World

  • “Renewable Energy” is not a coherent category and allows for a lot of confusion...
  • The green energy narrative began with simple calculations which found that the energy which could be derived from renewable resources like hydro, solar and wind matched or exceeded the energy consumed as electric energy. It is not a particularly meaningful observation...
    • It does not consider what may be involved in making that energy available when needed, where needed, with the proper characteristics needed.
  • Demonstrating that sufficient energy exists does not say anything about our ability to harness such resources. Large amounts of various “renewable” energy sources, such as those listed below. But even though the energy is there, and small amounts can be harnessed, most know enough not say the energy presence itself makes an energy transition feasible soon...

Truths that need to be part of Energy Transition Narrative

These truths don’t get near as much attention as the above. Sometimes they are hidden and sometimes they are summarily denied rather than given the attention they deserve.

1) Adequately addressing the energy future requires we understand the true costs and benefits of ALL available and potentially available technologies...

2) Large grids are dependent upon and run on rotating machines...

3) No Grids run on asynchronous generation only (or majority asynchronous) without significant backup...

7) If Nuclear is the right direction, current efforts at wind and solar are misguided. Nuclear plants run best full out with low incremental cost. Displacing nuclear with intermittent wind and solar makes little to no sense...

Other Topics that need to be considered

A) China and India’s CO2 emissions will likely dwarf emissions from western nations soon...

B) What about developing countries in the third world? How we can hold them back by requiring they use a path that we can’t make work. Their burdens are more significant than ours...


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