The Psychology of Totalitarianism

30 August 2022

Mattias Desmet has pioneered understanding of how mass formation (mass psychosis) has permeated Western societies since the onslaught of the China virus (covid). In the following article, he discusses how societies are moving toward technocratic / bureaucratic totalitarianism. Excerpts are included below:

The Psychology of Totalitarianism, by Mattias Desmet, Lew Rockwell, 30 August 2022

At the end of February 2020, the global village began to shake on its foundations.... 

The unimaginable became reality: we witnessed the abrupt pivot of nearly every country on earth to follow China’s example and place huge populations of people under de facto house arrest, a situation for which the term “lockdown” was coined....

We also saw a remarkable transfer of power. Expert virologists were called upon as Orwell’s pigs—the smartest animals on the farm—to replace the unreliable politicians.... But these experts soon turned out to have quite a few common, human flaws... It went so far that, at one point, they counted all deaths as corona deaths, including people who had died of, say, heart attacks....

... with each new step, we lose more of our freedoms, until we reach a final destination where human beings are reduced to QR codes in a large technocratic medical experiment....

It took me a few months to realize that what was going on in society was a worldwide process of mass formation [mass psychosis].... It’s a specific kind of group formation that makes people radically blind to everything that goes against what the group believes in. In this way, they take the most absurd beliefs for granted.... A second characteristic of an individual in the grip of mass formation is that they become willing to radically sacrifice individual interest for the sake of the collective....

Thirdly, individuals in mass formation become radically intolerant for dissonant voices. In the ultimate stage of the mass formation, they will typically commit atrocities toward those who do not go along with the masses. And even more characteristic: they will do so as if it is their ethical duty....

Whether it initially emerged spontaneously or was provoked intentionally from the beginning, no mass formation, however, can continue to exist for any length of time unless it is constantly fed by indoctrination and propaganda disseminated through mass media. If this happens, mass formation becomes the basis of an entirely new kind of state that emerged for the first time in the beginning of the twentieth century: the totalitarian state.... Not a communist or fascist totalitarianism but a technocratic totalitarianism....

Read the entire article.


Book: The Psychology of Totalitarianism, by Mattias Desmet, 2022.

Mass Formation Psychosis - Crowd Psychosis

Video: Mass Formation Psychosis and the Psychology of the Pandemic




My Book Is Being Burned, by Mattias Desmet, Epoch times, 17 February 2023.