The Nation Is a Biological Group
[Originally published 3 August 2023]
Human Biodiversity (HBD) refers to genetic variety within the human race. Humans, like all species, diversify within ecosystems across the planet. Mainstream discussion of Human BioDiversity (HBD) is pretty much verboten, particularly in today's woke culture, where the failure of specific groups and races is always blamed on the dominant race and culture.
The following article presents an excellent overview of Human Biodiversity (HBD). It's readable, and the maps and images, included in the original article, are easily understood. Here are a few excerpts:
The Nation Is a Biological Group, Part 1, by Asier Abadroa, Counter-Currents, 2 August 2023:
After discussing the distinction between identity and culture, and explaining why culture is not what creates nations (it is nations that create culture), let us now talk about what a nation is.
For a nation to be one (and not several), it is essential that all parts of its territory are inhabited by people who are compatible in the most important sociological areas. As fundamental as they are, these characteristics of its population can be measured statistically in various ways...
Although the world has been divided into somewhat chaotic states since ancient times, they are still relatively homogeneous, and the same blocs of countries tend to always fall roughly into the same places along the scale...
... their level of development, prosperity, welfare, culture, and civilization fundamentally depend on the qualities of their respective populations...
The factor that overshadows all others, and which is consistently repeated in all cases, is the race that makes up the majority of a state's population of that State and, therefore, the quality of a country's population...
It is race, as an evolutionary vehicle, which tends to diverge more and more and also explains these differences between countries. It is race that defines the potential of a nation's members and their average characteristics...
The intelligence of a country's population has been proven to be the main predictor of a country's per capita GDP and economic growth, and a population's intelligence depends on which race it belongs to...
IQ is not the only factor that creates distinct human nations and shapes different societies, however. In addition to differences in problem-solving ability, certain evolutionary circumstances have likewise forged fundamental differences in values, ways of life, and how we relate to other members of our community...
In contrast to the more r reproductive strategy of Africans - producing more offspring, albeit with a lower probability that each will reach adulthood - in the harsh environment in which the ancestors of whites and yellows evolved, those who prevailed were those who followed a more K strategy: investing more resources in a smaller number of offspring in order to increase their individual chances of survival...
In The Nation Is a Biological Group, part 2, the author concludes that:
These disparities between racial populations also naturally occurs within the same state. The differences we see between countries of different races are also visible in the internal racial statistics of multiracial countries, which is why many of them prohibit them from being reported, such as France. In multiracial states such as Brazil and nearly the entire central third of the Americas, racial differences in intelligence, crime, productivity, incidence of disease, and so on remain the same as in their ancestral places of origin, no matter how much time passes or how many multimillion-dollar government initiatives are launched to equalize the conditions for all racial groups.
Here are a few resources on Human Biodiversity (HBD):
- HBD Fundamentals by JayMan.
- HBD Bibliography and dictionary.
- HBD Chick - blog focusing on research and analysis.
- West Hunter - blog related to HBD by Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending, authors of The Ten Thousand Year Explosion which discusses human evolution.
- DNA Explained - blog on genetic genealogy.
- Book: 10,000 Year Explosion by Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending. New York: Basic Books, 2010. [Overview] [Wiki] [PDF]
- Race and immigration - the final taboo.
- The IQ Of Nations.
The Forbidden Topic: Race and IQ, Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz, Unz Review, 21 August 2023.
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