Kamala Harris's Marxist Roots - Video

17 October 2024
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The Radical Marxist Kamala Harris, 24 September 2024.

Trevor Loudon joins the podcast to talk about Kamala Harris's Marxist roots, how she ascended to the vice-presidency, and what she plans to do to America.


33:35 What Kamala Harris will do if she is elected:

This is this is what will happen if Kamala is elected, people...

Do a little bit of math. There are 30 million illegal immigrants in this country right now minimum. Minimum. Kamala Harris will give them all citizenship and voting rights just like Hillary Clinton promised to do. That will give the Democrats more than 20 million new voters easily. More than 20 million new voters. As most presidential elections are won or loss by less than six million votes, you tell me what that does to your chances in 2028.

Then she will also flood the country with more of them plus refugees from the Middle East because she is a black lives matter, Pro Palestinian candidate 100%.

Plus she will pack the Supreme Court with at least four new left-wing justices - basically Communists - so you can never defeat her in the Supreme Court again.

Plus she will weaponize. She will pass the equality act which will put gay rights before Christian rights so every Christian Church in the country that will not do a gay marriage or accept gay pastors or accept gay youth pastors will get a $5 million lawsuit from the Department of Justice.

Plus she will go after the guns because she will already have the Supreme Court. Plus she'll use the weaponized organs of the state to go after her enemies just like the Democrats did against Trump. But now it's going to be Christian nationalists. What is a Christian nationalist? That's a patriotic Christian who believes in America and borders and God. That's a Christian nationalist.

This is being set up. This is a Communist Revolution people. This is we are one bad election away from having this country taken permanently from our grasp. How do you fight back when they have 20 or 30 million new voters overnight. Plus they will draft many of them into the army who will be then used to put down any little rebellions that might crop up.

Plus just think about the fact that we're $34 trillion in debt. Now President Trump - if he's in power - he will open up the energy sector. He will lower taxes and get the private economy booming again and then he would negotiate with our creditors.

Kamala Harris will tax unrealized capital gains, meaning if you buy a house for $300,000 - she's going to give you $25,000 to buy a house right? Oh that's nice, okay. But you buy a house for say $300,000 right, but in five years time it's worth $450,000. Every year you're going to be taxed for that $150,000 profit even though it's not realized. You're going to have to find that money every year...

What do you think that's going to do to the middle class? ...

People need to understand this is a Marxist Revolution. She is just as bad as Hugo Chavez is or Fidel Castro and Tim Walz is just the same...

Kamala Harris, if she's given the opportunity, will finish the job that Barack Obama started because she believes in it. She absolutely believes in it...

Book: STEALTH: Kamala Harris's Communist Roots, by Trevor Loudon (2024).


Kamala Harris Touts Mass Amnesty Offering Fast-Tracked Citizenship to Nearly Every Illegal Alien in U.S., Breitbart, 17 October 2024.

The Top 20 Reasons Not to Vote for Kamala Harris

Seven Troubling Tim Walz Connections to Communist China