Important Election Integrity Initiatives

26 July 2024

The Federalist has compiled a list of Important Election Integrity Initiatives for the 2024 election:

From voter ID to mail-in voting, these proposed ballot measures could significantly alter the way states administer their elections...

Ranked-Choice Voting

Often referred to as “rigged-choice voting” by its critics, ranked-choice voting (RCV) is an elections system in which voters rank candidates of all parties in order of preference. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of first-choice votes in the first round of voting, the last-place finisher is eliminated, and his votes are reallocated to the voter’s second-choice candidate. This process continues until one candidate receives a majority of votes.

The system has largely been pushed by Democrats as a way of winning traditionally Republican seats and has regularly produced inaccurate election results and discarded ballots. While 10 states have prohibited RCV in recent years, that hasn’t stopped its proponents from attempting to trick voters into adopting the system via the ballot amendment process...

In Idaho, where Republicans passed a law barring the practice last year, RCV supporters reportedly submitted enough signatures earlier this month to have a top-four RCV initiative appear on the state’s November ballot... Nevada and Oregon will also have pro-RCV initiatives appearing on their November ballots...

Top-Two Primaries

South Dakota’s Amendment H seeks to alter the state’s existing primary system...

Citizens-Only Voting

Amid the Biden-manufactured invasion at the southern border, various states are aiming to advance measures ensuring illegal aliens can’t vote in American elections...

Electors in Idaho, Kentucky, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Missouri, Oklahoma, and North Carolina will have the opportunity this November to vote on constitutional amendment proposals stipulating that only U.S. citizens may vote in their elections...

Ballot Initiative Reform

With Democrats weaponizing the ballot initiative process to enshrine their radical agenda into law in traditionally red states, some jurisdictions are hoping voters will advance measures to make such efforts more difficult.

In Arizona, Proposition 134 would raise the threshold for citizen-led ballot initiatives to appear on the state’s ballot...

Mail-In Voting

The "Connecticut No-Excuse Absentee Voting Amendment" seeks to amend the Constitution State’s founding document by allowing the Democrat-controlled legislature to pass laws allowing for no-excuse absentee voting...

Voter ID

The “Nevada Voter Identification Initiative” is a constitutional amendment proposal that would require Nevada residents to provide a photo ID when voting...


Ranked Choice Voting - RCV

Ranked Choice Voting Disaster

The Threat of Ranked Choice Voting

The problem with ranked-choice voting

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