2022: The First Wholly Manufactured Election
Also see: Election Fraud and the Stolen 2020 Election and Ballot Busting.
Many American patriots have expressed concern over the results so far of the 2022 midterm election.
Publius 2.0 fairly well expressed these concerns in his November 9 Gateway Pundit article, It Feels Like We Are Watching the First Wholly Manufactured Election in Our History in Which All Key Competitive Races Were Programmed By Langley. Here are a few excerpts:
It seriously feels like we are watching the first wholly manufactured election in our history, in which all of the key competitive races have had the results directly programmed by Langley.
Americans are suffering through the most crushing economic conditions, rampant crime, reckless foreign/nuclear war flirtations, most aggressive perverse assaults on family and parental rights in history, all topped off by an embarrassing unpopular disaster in the White House leading a shrill, tin-eared bellicose fascist junta that appears indifferent to the ordeal they are inflicting on working people.
And yet the Democrat monolith is barely dented. Either the country has large states filled with brainwashed zealots who are too stupid and mindless to comprehend the reality of the collective damage they are ratifying with votes for at best lackluster at worst appallingly unimpressive if not foolish candidates…. or we are seeing direct black box voting manipulation. Final tabulations are being perpetrated on a scale that renders typical ballot and voter fraud schemes unnecessary anachronisms...
The experts Lindell brought together have been quite explicit and factually well-supported in laying out how the fraud goes far deeper and is far more comprehensive than any sort of ham-handed ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing, or illegal voting schemes on the ground.
Festerman's supposed win is beyond any rational explanation and defies every known political and electoral principle and truism that we have seen hold firm throughout our entire history...
The usual pedantic talking heads are actually saying this is some sort of huge indictment of the Republican party. As these thin margins demonstrate in these close defeats, the usurper demons are clever enough not to try to manufacture landslides for their brain-dead puppets....

How Google Stopped the Red Wave, by Robert Epstein, Epoch Times, 15 November 2022.
How Wisconsin Streetfighters Disrupted a Democrat Ballot-Gathering System, by Jay Valentine, American thinker 14 November 2022:
... Democrats, expert in anything government-related, drove states to change laws, increase voting days, loosen voter standards. Republican leadership dozed....
The once frictionless ballot-gathering apparatus was challenged in every state as voter integrity teams, citizens at kitchen tables, picked apart voter rolls. They quickly found tens of thousands of dead or moved voters. ;There were innumerable addresses where no voter could possibly live.
For the first time, there was pushback against ballot gathering. Citizens demanded that voter rolls be cleaned, addresses be real....
The Wisconsin team proved, in this election, that adding even a small amount of friction – removing thousands of phantom names and identifying several hundred thousand incorrect addresses — has a massive impact on the ballot-gathering system....
Democrats Steal Midterms, Communism Comes Home to America… Crime, Inflation, Record Gas Prices, War, Open Borders and Corruption WIN BIG, Gateway Pundit, 9 October, 2022:
.. Americans reject every single dish the Democrats served. Yet, Democrats shocked Americans on Tuesday to win the US Senate, steal battleground states, and possibly keep the US Congress in Nancy Pelosi's control, one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians in US history...
Republicans dominated in states like Florida and Ohio, states Democrats have not yet stolen with their mail-in ballots, bloated voter rolls, ballot trafficking and manufacturing operations.
But Democrat John Fetterman, who never held a job and cannot form sentences, won in Pennsylvania. Colorado stole popular conservative Lauren Boebert's seat with their mail-in voting. Georgia elected a Trump-hating governor but Marxist radical Raphael Warnock who likes to scream about whitey at his church won the first round of the Senate race....
The Evidence Is In — Another Stolen Election, by Paul Craig Roberts, Lew Rockwell, 15 November 2022:
Americans, not all of them but most, are too proud of their country and too protective of its reputation as “the world’s best democracy” to admit it, but they have just experienced another stolen election. All the telltale signs are there–just as they are for the 2020 presidential election that was stolen from President Trump. Ballot count delays while Democrats round up sufficient fraudulent ballots to offset the Republican’s victory. Sudden upward spikes of 100,000 votes in one moment of time to push a Democrat candidate on a losing path ahead of the Republican. It is not possible for that number of ballots to be counted in such a short time period or that they would all be for one candidate alone...
Fox TV’s Tucker Carlson pointed out one way the Democrats stole the Arizona election. The Democrats arranged for the voting machines to fail in voting precincts known as Republican majority. Those unable to vote, or some of them, were given a ballot to be put in a box when completed to be counted later. Next the Democrats announced that these uncounted ballots were “accidentally” mixed with already counted ballots and there was no way to tell them apart. This is one way Republican votes were flushed out of the vote counting system....
My conclusion that the last two elections were organized thefts by Democrats is not partisan My conclusion rests in analysis....
A revolutionary spirit has entered the Democrat Party which has a new constituency composed of LGBT, multiculturalism, and Woke censors who claim the power to regulate speech and insure its compliance with their ideology....
Another feature of the Democrats’ revolution is open borders that are flooding the US population with non-whites, essentially turning the US into a non-white country, thereby dispensing with the “reactionary values of Western civilization.” At the hands of Democrats, white Americans are facing civilizational genocide....
What must be understood is that a political party with a revolutionary agenda is not constrained by rules....
Midterms Highlight Distinct Difference Between Ballots and Votes, Sundance, Last Refuge, 13 November 2022: "The effort to attain votes for candidates is less important than the strategy of collecting ballots."
Crime Spikes: Mike Lindell Shows Real Evidence of Election Fraud, by Alexandra Bruce, Forbidden Knowledge TV, 11 November 2022.
Kari Lake No Match For Election Fraud, Geller Report, 14 November 2022.
More Thoughts on the Stolen 2022 Election, by Paul Craig Roberts, 12 November 2022:
... In Arizona there seems to be an effort to disappear the votes for Republican Kari Lake. Vote counting has been stopped when 600,000 votes remain to be counted. The uncounted votes are “day of election” votes cast in person mainly by Republicans who vote in person as they have learned not to trust alternative voting methods. The “day of election” votes will be for Republican Governor candidate Kari Lake. Is that why the voting has stopped? The hundreds of thousands of uncounted “day of election” votes could also give the Senate seat to Republican Blake Masters.
How do we reconcile Florida’s red wave with the absence of one elsewhere? The answer is that Florida doesn’t permit all the voting ways that make it easy to steal....
Another feature of the Democrats’ revolution is open borders that are flooding the US population with non-whites, essentially turning the US into a non-white country, thereby dispensing with the “reactionary values of Western civilization.” At the hands of Democrats, white Americans are facing civilizational genocide....
"Republican leadership really failed Republican voters. . . elections are not run anymore like they were in the 1980s. . . " - @MZHemingway on #Midterms2022 results. pic.twitter.com/unQh1URvqd
— Michele Blood (@BloodBrief) November 10, 2022
Another Brick in the Blue Wall of Fraud, by Michael S. Kochin, American Greatness, 16 November 2022.
Voting in Italy, New Neo blog, 12 November 2022:
From Paolo Pagliaro, who lives in Italy: In Italy we are able to have uncontested elections – even by a left party adopting "Fascist alert!" as the leading slogan – because strict in person vote, on paper, in a precisely designated site is mandatory; not only we have to show an identity document (usually the "Carta d'Identità", which the town office issues to citizens in a very short time, everybody has it), but we also have a personal electoral-card stamped by an official at the polling station each time we vote. The exceptions are minimal and cannot impact the outcome by design.
I’m boggling at the absurdity of your system, you simply cannot have confidence in the results, each and every time.
What Paolo describes – or something like it – is typical for European countries and most other countries around the world. Not the US. But the US has become an unserious country, I’m afraid. We do have an absurd voting system, at least in many blue states as well as many purple states, which of course affects the entire outcome. And perhaps “absurd” is a kind word for our voting process.
What’s more, we not only have a cognitively challenged president, we have a president who is obviously cognitively challenged. Just a few years ago most of us wouldn’t have believed it possible. We also are about to have a senator from Pennsylvania who is cognitively challenged in a different way, and was elected despite it....
The Aftermath and After That, by James Howard Kunstler, 14 November 2022.
How To Steal an Election, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., 21 November 2022.
Here's How They Did it: Real-time Election Fraud, by Jay Valentine, American Thinker, 11 December 2022.
Also see: Election Fraud and the Stolen 2020 Election and Ballot Busting.
Do You Trust the Integrity of Our Elections? If Not, Here Are the Steps We Must Take, by Joe Fried, American Thinker, 25 January 2023.
Why Kari Lake Couldn't Close the Deal. Republicans don't embrace real time. The RNC, the Trump Campaign, the Lake Campaign continue to fail with batch computer systems using 1970s technology, by Jay Valentine, American Thinker, 25 May 2023.