The Marxist Enemy Within

8 March 2025

Marxist infiltration of America has been underway for a hundred years. It's hard to recognize it as such because of its pervasiveness. Many Americans intuitively understand that America has been undergoing a fundamental transformation, but they don't understand what it is, or why it is taking place.

A brief overview is presented in the article, Trump Win Ends A Century Of Cultural Marxism, by Laszlo, Time For Truth, 7 March 2025.

A multi-part series by the same author describes Marxist infiltration of America in more detail. Brief excerpts from these articles are included below:


The Enemy Within: Part 1. Marxist Infiltration of America

... It was a Century ago... was the founding of the Council on Foreign Relation (CFR)... that up to this day, dictates US policy...

Once the US was turned into a socialist state, its power and influence would be leveraged... with the final goal of creating a one world totalitarian government...

Marx held the view, that human societies develop through class conflict...

The communist dictatorships that adapted the Marxist ideology in the 20th Century - Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, the former Eastern Bloc, Cuba, North Korea - became the most repressive regimes. An estimated 100 Million died, as a result of executions, famine, or labor camps and 1 Billion were enslaved - and many still are - in those totalitarian states...

... [in America] cultural transformation could be the trigger for societal change. A "march through the institutions", as Gramsci called it, was to be a broad based attack on Western culture, through the media, movie industry, publishing and universities, hence the term "Cultural Marxism"...

The Frankfurt School's interpretation of Marxist philosophy is called Critical Theory... Cultural Marxism in disguise... the source of identity politics, and political correctness, that has divided the United States...


The Enemy Within: Part 2. Marxist Subversion of America

...Dividing the population into squabbling factions also weakens and denigrates a nation. Indoctrination in schools and propaganda in the media have deeply polarized Americans.

Cultural Marxism is disguised in the United States, as liberalism*, or progressivism...

... In the course of building a Communist society, Marxists must fight religion...

Our constitution is also in the cross hairs of progressives. They claim that it is outdated...

The media, entertainment and academia are doing their part in pushing these agendas on society...

Sending the United States downward into societal abyss and destroying Western culture is what Cultural Marxists, now operating behind the banner of "modern liberalism"*, or progressivism, intended all along.


The Enemy Within: Part 3. Marxist Division of America

... the strategy is to transform the consciousness of society by taking control of the flow of information, the media, education, entertainment and publishing...

Critical Theory (and its spinoffs, Critical Race Theory, or Intersectionality), are presented, as methodologies to achieve social justice. But they accomplish the opposite...They hold the view, that society is inherently racist and unjust...

When the curtain is pulled back, it is revealed that, the victims are on both sides and the real oppressor is the ruling elite...

* Note: the author refers to "modern liberalism." A better term would be "leftism." Leftism is distinct from liberalism. Classic liberalism is the political ideology that promises liberty for the individual, and requires a limited government. Leftism is another term for Cultural Marxism.

Left or Liberal?


Our Turning Point: Either a Liberal or Progressive America

Marxism - The Threat Within America

The Cloward–Piven strategy - a tool for fundamentally transforming America, by Fred Elbel.

Unprecedented - Western civilization at the crossroads, by Michael Anton, The New Criterion, 5 December 2021.

How Marxists Captured the Universities and Will Soon Capture the Nation, by Doug Casey, International Man / Lou Rockwell, 26 December 2021.

Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization, by Christiaan W.J.M. Alting von Geusau, Burning Platform, 21 November 2021.

Nation Being Overtaken By Small, Powerful Group Of Marxists, by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog, Zero Hedge, 16 September 2021.

The Greatest Existential Threat to America, by David Horowitz, FrontPage Mag, 14 September 2021.

The Hundred-Year Road To CRT - Critical Race theory, by Larry Sand, American Greatness, 29 August 2021.


 Can It Happen in America?
American Marxism
Why I Left Utopia
Mark Levin and Ted Cruz - Defeating Cultural Marxism
 power, race, and class
Best 30-Minute Explanation of Marxism