Send Contact Email to CAIRCO

Thank you for your interest in immigration sanity! Your contact is welcome if you have questions or want to help in the areas of:
  • Stopping illegal immigration.
  • Border immigration enforcement and interior immigration enforcement.
  • Reducing legal immigration.
  • Reducing and stabilizing United States population.
  • Extinguishing the cult of multiculturalism. 
Volunteers at CAIRCO usually respond to inquiries relating to the above issues. Please fill in the information below in order to contact us. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required. (For technical issues, contact our webmaster.)
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Anti-spam question. An incorrect answer will cause this contact form to be automatically discarded.
Enter your name.
Enter your phone number if you wish us to call you.
Enter your street address if you wish to be added to our mailing list. Example: 123 Main St.
Enter your city. This helps us track interest by geographical area.
Enter your state.
Enter your zipcode or postal code. It must correlate with your city. This helps prevent spam.
Enter your county or province. This helps us track activism and issues by counties and prevent spam.
Enter your country.
Please tell us how you heard about our organization.
Please enter comments or information you wish to send to us.
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