Here are other ways to find your legislative district:
Here is more information on the Colorado legislative process.
Here are Capitol phone numbers and mailing address:
Colorado House of Representatives:
Speaker 866-2346
Majority Leader 866-2348
Minority Leader 866-5523
Chief Clerk
In Session 866-2903
Interim 866-2345
Information on Bills 866-3055
Visitors' Aides (in Session) 866-2331
House Offices 866-2904
Toll free number (outside Denver)
JAN - MAY 1-800-811-7647
Colorado Senate:
President 866-3342
Pres Pro Tempore 866-3077
Majority Leader 866-3341
Ass't Majority Leader 866-4866
Minority Leader 866-2318
Secretary of Senate 866-2316
Republican Senators 866-4866
Democratic Senators 866-4865
Information on Bills 866-3055
Visitors' Aides (in Session) 866-4885
Senate Offices 866-2316
Toll free number (outside Denver)
JAN - MAY 1-888-473-8136
Colorado Legislative Offices:
Joint Budget Committee 866-2061
Legislative Legal Services 866-2045
Revisor of Statutes 866-2045
Legislative Council 866-3521
Auditor's Office 866-2051
Legislative Printing 866-3526
Colorado Capitol mailing address:
Colorado State Capitol
200 East Colfax
Here are Colorado Legislative Committees.
Colorado Governor
Website: contact via website: issues legislation
136 State Capitol, Denver, CO 80203-1792
Phone: 303-866-2471, Fax: 303-866-2003