The Whole of Society - Soviet Style

The "Whole of Society" paradigm demands political participation from non-state actors, such as corporations, civic groups, and of course, the leftist mainstream media. For example, the Zuckerbucks influence in the 2020 election.

In the 25 July 2024 Tablet article, Learn This Term: 'Whole of Society', Jacob Siegel observes that:

Indeed, whole of society is a totalizing form of politics... Mass surveillance is the backbone of the approach, but it also consolidates a new class of functionaries who all directly or indirectly work for the party’s interests. This is exactly how the party carried out its mass censorship during COVID and the 2020 election: by embedding government officials and party-aligned "experts" from the for-hire world of nonprofit activism, inside the social media platforms. The result, as I chronicled in an investigative essay last year, was the largest campaign of domestic mass surveillance and censorship in American history - often censoring true and time-sensitive information...

He explains that:

To avoid the appearance of totalitarian overreach in such efforts, the party requires an endless supply of causes - emergencies that party officers, with funding from the state, use as pretexts to demand ideological alignment across public and private sector institutions. These causes come in roughly two forms: the urgent existential crisis (examples include COVID and the much-hyped threat of Russian disinformation); and victim groups supposedly in need of the party’s protection...

Siegel continues:

Because the Democrats have at their disposal that whole-of-society political machinery, which this week was operationalized in service of a new cause: getting Harris elected in order to prevent the crisis of Russian-fascist-white supremacist-democracy-killing barbarism that is Trump. This explains why prominent media outlets pivoted in unison to insist that Harris was never the White House border czar, despite their own coverage from 2021 referring to her as "border czar."

The whole of society - including the leftist mainstream media, which is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party - turns on a dime to promulgate the latest political propaganda. The machinations are fully orchestrated and fully integrated into the whole of society, just like in Soviet Russia.

Yet Mattias Desmet has optimistically stated that:

What we are witnessing is nothing less than the failure of the greatest propaganda apparatus in history.

In his 25 July 2024 article, The Trump assassination attempt - The limits of the Propaganda Model, Mattias Desmet writes that "... the essence of the tipping point we are approaching is this: the propaganda model is beginning to fail."

He references an Aldous Huxley passage that aptly foreshadowed today's propaganda-shrouded reality:

By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms - elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest - will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial - but democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit. (Huxley, Brave New World Revisited).

Desmet recommends that we:

... look at one of the most important interviews of the past year, where Mike Benz - former director of the cyber portfolio of the U.S. government - explains to Tucker Carlson in detail how information flows on the internet were manipulated during the 2020 elections (and the COVID crisis).

He concludes that:

It is hard to ignore: the indoctrination and propaganda model is creaking and groaning at all its seams. The Veil of Appearances that is meant to hide all dirty laundry from the public eye is tearing left and right.

Let's hope he's right. Unless the bubble bursts, we may be headed from a whole of society Soviet propagandist state to a full-blown Chinese social credit system of totalitarian control.


This is just weird: 2 minute video: supercut of mainstream media programmed to say "weird", 30 July 2024:


'Our democracy' - scripted reality on the leftist mainstream media
Prof. Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation Psychosis
 Can It Happen in America?