What pandemic?

In the February 16, 2021 American Greatness article, The Pandemic Is Over, Dan Gelernter makes several salient points. Here are a few excerpts from the article, which is worth reading in full:

2020 was the year of government overreach. Make 2021 the year of organized civil disobedience and friendly reunions....

But conservatives who predicted that COVID-19 would end with the Trump Administration were overlooking a central point: The Left’s hatred of Trump is merely a symptom of their guiding philosophy, which is, as “Yes, Minister” put it so concisely back in the 1970s, gradually to exclude people from government. The Left is in favor of any action that will expand the authority of bureaucrats by taking decisions out of the hands of citizens.

... This is the first crisis since 9/11 broad enough to make possible a fundamental transformation of American society....

Crisis and Opportunity (To Expand Government)

Every great crisis in American history, without exception, has been used to expand government. The greater the crisis, the greater the scope for expansion: 9/11 led to the NSA monitoring the traffic of the entire internet. It also created the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA, with the power to ruin air travel forever and give passengers a taste of how they’d feel being processed into a federal penitentiary....

In the 1930s, the Great Depression was used as an opportunity to create a welfare state in America and issue every citizen with an identification number, which we call Social Security....

The reason coronavirus so delights today’s Left is that the public response to their power grab has been overwhelmingly docile: The numbers of deaths are vastly below historic health panics...

The everyday American citizen will always remember 2020 as a painful, terrible, soul-crushing year. For the Left, that makes it one of the best years on record. It is one of those great years in which they changed how Americans live....

On the Road to Tyranny

... A successful Biden Administration is not one in which coronavirus disappears, it is one in which Americans accept wearing masks for the rest of their lives....

Meanwhile, big corporations play ball because it helps destroy smaller competitors who can’t keep up....

Reject the “New Normal”

Americans can fight back not just by supporting small businesses, but by rejecting coronavirus restrictions, and helping businesses reject them. Refuse to wear a mask... it is imperative that we return to the old normal, where you could see your friends whenever you wanted, shake hands, travel to families, see peoples’ faces on the street....


Erase the Face.

Safety Mask - pop music at its satirical best.