Trump's Rescue Mission: Saving America

I recently watched the movie: Trump's Rescue Mission: Saving America.

For those of us who have been steadfastly immersed in the American political nightmare - that is, globalist Marxism vs our Constutional Republic - there isn't much new in the documentary.

However, the content is presented well, and contrasts the idiocy of "our democracy" vs our Republic.

I recommend this video for two reasons: first, because the content is significant, especially when watched by independent voters. Second, it's worth purchasing the video in order to support the producers in delivering their honest message.

"Trump's Rescue Mission: Saving America sets the record straight - and does for the viewer what the biased mainstream media refuses to do: tell the American people the truth about the failed Biden-Harris Administration while providing a fact-based argument on why America is better off with Donald J. Trump as president."

You can buy it to stream and also get the DVD.


Trump's Virtues
Trump's Virtues - part 2
They are terrified of Trump - Victor Davis Hanson