Really, Can You Just Can It?
This is an excerpt of a blog post by Bruce Bialosky is a CPA in Beverly Hills, CA who writes about the passing scene. An interesting part of the post is highlighted:
Really, Can You Just Can It?, by Bruce Bialosky, FlashReport, Apriul 12, 2020:
... There is the entire narrative being built that Trump fiddled while America burned. The Democrats keep wanting to go there because they think that is the magic formula to destroy him come November. Their friends in the Press are carrying the load for them. They ignore that people like Pelosi and Andrew Cuomo (their latest perceived savior from the candidacy of Joe Biden) were encouraging their residents to exhibit improper behavior at late dates in February.
They say that Trump doesn't follow science (and they do only when it is convenient for their narrative). That is despite having Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx at most news conferences. That is despite Fauci being on tape on January 20th saying COVID-19 is no threat to America. In addition, Fauci making statements in interviews later that downplayed any threat from this virus. Also, Fauci stated that President Trump has taken this issue seriously from the beginning. When in discussion with one of these Trump-hating souls, I told him that what he just said was countered by Birx in the daily news conference. He immediately blurted out that Trump told her to say that. Their hatred consumes them.
A special moment was in the news conference this past Tuesday where Dr. Birx was explaining the current exposure and the possibility based on models (those ever present models) that 100,000 Americans will die. Jim Acosta (CNN) asked a question (in a gentlemanly manner), but he was acting more like a prosecuting attorney and he was on his recurring mission to prove Trump had fiddled. He wanted Dr. Birx to acknowledge that if action was taken sooner then this entire curve would have been flattened. He kept asking while Birx was trying to explain that could not have happened. Then Fauci jumped in and said there was no earlier information that this disaster was going to happen. The curve could not have been flattened. Damn Trump — off the hoook again.
There is a reserved place in Hell for people making these accusations. Like when Chuck Todd asked his guest if there was blood on Trump's hand. But that happens virtually daily in the Washington Post. Can't you people control yourselves? There is a national emergency and you can't stop the attacks? It is a sickness.
There is this special case of hatred. Mr. Trump tells the story of cutting through our ossified government layers and getting things done. He has been harping about why do these masks need tossing after a single use. Gov. Mike DeWine (OH) gets a call from a company in his state saying they have machines to clean these masks (120,000 per day per machine and the masks can be reused up to 20 times) and he can't get it through the FDA bureaucracy. DeWine tells Trump, Trump calls the new head of the FDA (three months into the job) who probably has no idea this machine exists and the approval of it is in a stack with hundreds of other things that could save our lives. FDA head, Dr. Stephen Hahn, calls back Trump in two hours and the machines are approved and one is immediately shipped to NYC. Good story. Things are working well. Nope, not if you are one of those who have a special place in Hell.
Media hacks and clueless liberals, by Paul Nachman, April 13, 2020.
As an example of how the media and other purported professionals spin the critical issue of the day, consider this article:
Dr. Fauci on CNN’s Tapper Show: Earlier Mitigation Could Have Saved Lives, CNN, April 12, 2020. Then review the following articles and compare against mainstream media coverage of this issue:
Fact Check: New York Times Claims Trump ‘Could Have Seen What Was Coming’ on Coronavirus, by Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart, April 12, 2020.
Fauci Said Going to ‘Malls, Movie Theaters, Gym’ Okay on Feb 29, John Nolte, March 13, 2020.
Dr. Anthony Fauci: Trump Listened to Official Recommendations for Mitigation to Fight Coronavirus, Breitbart, April 13, 2020.
HORRIBLE! CBS Hack Paula Reid LOSES IT – ATTACKS and SMEARS President Trump – HIJACKS PRESSER – What a TOTAL DISGRACE! (VIDEO), Gateway Pundit, April 13, 2020.
A CBS reporter screeches at Trump – but she’s wrong about her facts, by Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, April 14, 2020.
Donald Trump Rips Washington Post Reporter: ‘I’m the President and You Are Fake News’, Breitbart, April 24, 2020 (video).