Organized international crime within the United States

This week I attended a trenchant presentation by Zack Taylor, retired Border Patrol agent and member of National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO).1

While I have been on the border for extended periods of time and have been active on the immigration issue for twenty years I must say that I gained a new perspective listening to Mr. Taylor's presentation. He noted that in the context of intelligence gathering, analysis of data allows one to triangulate on cause and effect and reveal the bigger picture. Information clearly indicates that we don't just have a porous border - which in itself is critical. 

The bigger picture is that organized transnational crime is well established deep within the United States.

Big money - to the tune of billions of dollars - is being made not only by international cartels smuggling illegal aliens, but also by smuggling drugs into the United States. Getting the drugs into the U.S. is pretty easy for the cartels. They split loads into multiple shipments, so that if one is apprehended, it represents a relatively small loss. The biggest problem is not handling of the physical product, but laundering of the huge sums of cash involved in the process. 

It's tricky, but the cartels have that figured out, too. Violence and extraction of debts in blood is common in Mexico - think of beheadings and dismemberment, courtesy of the Aztec culture2. While cartels keep violence to a minimum here in the U.S. in order not to draw excessive attention to themselves, they use illegal aliens in the U.S. with family members back home in Mexico. The illegal aliens are forced to act as couriers. If they fail to complete a delivery, their family member back in Mexico will pay with the loss of body parts or indeed with the loss of their life. 

Mr. Taylor noted that transnational banks such as Wells Fargo and Wachovia are major agents involved with the international transfer of funds. A number of years ago, they were faced with minimal penalties for money laundering. So they paid the fines and then... they merged.

Mr. Taylor believes that the American people can and will rise up to put an end to this lawlessness, just as they did in the Al Capone era. But first, they must be made aware of the true extent of this threat to America and to our children's Future. This will have to happen outside of the mainstream media, which pretty much support mass illegal immigration. He noted how the mainstream media has routinely reframed the issue and has changed the language of the immigration discussion - for example, illegal aliens are now benignly called "immigrants".3

The first step in halting this lawlessness is to inform Americans as to the pervasive criminal activites that their government is encouraging. I somberly congratulate Mr. Taylor on a job well done. 


Watch Zack Taylor's 38 minute NAFBPO presentation:



1. Bio:

Zack Taylor has 26 years experience in border security, and was interviewed in the new feature film "America" [See the Movie review: America, Imagine a World Without Her; read the book.]

Mr. Taylor is a Graduate of the University of Florida School of Forestry with a major in wildlife Ecology, and has served as a Wildlife Officer with the Florida Game Department. In 1976 he received a competitive appointment with the United States Border Patrol. In 2003 he retired after a distinguished career, all of which was spent on the US/Mexico Border. His first primary duty was patrolling the border for drug and alien intrusions into the United States on both private and public lands. Beginning in 1988 until his retirement, he served as a Supervisory Border Patrol Agent at Nogales, Arizona, specializing in field intelligence gathering and training other Border Patrol Officers how to safely operate along the Arizona Border while performing drug and alien smuggling detection and apprehension duties on Public Land.

Mr. Taylor presently resides within sight of the Mexican Border at Rio Rico, Arizona. He is a Charter Member of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers and has previously testified at Congressional Hearings as an expert witness concerning criminal activity in Wilderness designation areas. He recently was featured in Glenn Beck's Rumors of War III documentary, is credited in Beck's book, Cowards, and is quoted in William R. Daniel's book, One If by Land...What Every American Needs to Know About Our Border.


2.  Book Review: Spiraling Toward Chaos, by Fred Elbel, The Social Contract, Winter 2009-2010. Book review of "Wakeup Call From Mexico", by Wilson Beck.

3. Associated Press adopts Orwellian doublespeak - drops 'illegal immigrant'.