Good insight into why Germany is self-destructing
Since 2015, with the rest of the world, I have watched Merkel undertake the democide of Germany...
Another American Jew, the late Lawrence Auster (via Diana West), expanded on Peter’s notion thusly:
Having defined the ultimate evil of Nazism, not as the ultimate violation of the moral law as traditionally understood, but as the violation of liberal tolerance, postwar liberalism then set about dismantling all the existing ordinary particularisms of our own society (including, in the case of the EU, nationhood itself) in the name of preventing a resurgence of Nazi-like evil. This was the birth of political correctness, which sees any failure on our part to be completely open to and accepting of the Other—and thus any normal attachment to our own ways and our own society—as the equivalent of Nazism.
[Victor Hanson—liberal universalist with a gun by Lawrence Auster, View from the Right, April 30, 2004.]
When Ike led the U.S. Army in liberating the Nazi death camps, he realized that one day, some people would deny that the Nazis had ever carried out the Holocaust. And so, under the occupation, West German school children were forced to watch films made by our G.I.s showing the mountains of Jewish corpses and skeletons that they’d found.
The problem was that this child abuse never ended.
That such never-ending anti-nationalism served the purposes of Socialists and Communists was no accident...
With no nationalistic push-back, and the government lavishly funding anti-nationalist propagandists, Germany has drifted ever further into anti-nationalism...
The West German government signed labor treaties with European countries (Greece, Yugoslavia, Italy and Portugal) to come as Gastarbeiter (guest workers), and signed a treaty with Turkey in 1961...
Real refugees would have been overwhelmingly women and children, but this wave of “refugees,” who came to be known as “rapefugees” based on their behavior in Germany, consisted at least 70% of men...
I don’t buy the notion that Frau Merkel was too stupid to know what she was doing. She had to know that not only were the Syrians completely incompatible with German society, but that they would turn Germany into a Moslem state in a generation’s time.
The “refugee crisis” had to be a broad, coordinated, criminal conspiracy to commit democide, with Angela Merkel at the center...
I now believe that Merkel is a crypto-Communist who was trained as a young girl to do what she is doing. Yet another Manchurian Candidate...
Is Angela Merkel the ultimate expression of “Hitler’s Revenge”?