Free speech has become a partisan issue in America
Free speech has become a partisan issue in America. Stunning.
How and why has this happened?
John Hawkins observed that there are 5 Reasons Woke Liberals Are So Opposed to Free Speech. Here are a few key points:
1) Preventing challenges to their power: Why do totalitarian nations like China, Russia, and North Korea hate free speech? Because the people in power recognize that one of the keys to remaining in power is to stop the people from openly discussing their flaws or freely organizing against them...
2) Steering the Overton Window their way: When a liberal tells you that "everyone agrees" with some Left-wing idea, it’s almost inevitably because they’ve ignored or censored everyone that disagrees....
3) Liberalism has become something closer to a religion than an ideology: Ultimately, modern liberalism is not really an ideology, it’s more of a religion substitute that takes precedence over everything else for its true believers, including real religions. Additionally, as you’d expect with a religion, liberal ideas are spread by faith, not logic....
4) Liberal ideas are not spread on their merits. They’re done by splitting people into groups and defining them: Liberals seldom even bother to make any kind of logical case for what they believe. Instead, it’s all emotional appeals and calling everyone who disagrees with them a racist....
5) They feel no obligation to create an even playing field with evil people...
Woke liberals label conservatives as racists, bigots, white supremacists, selfish, greedy, evil, intolerant, uncompassionate, fascists and Nazis, and therefore, they believe there’s no need to let us have our say because we have nothing to offer but EEEEVVVILLLLL...

How has leftist totalitarian censorship been institutionalized in America? Learn more about Media Bias and Censorship.