Depopulation in Space
Imagine, if you will, that you are on a generational starship headed through the galaxy. What is your ethical obligation to future generations on your ship? What if your generation overpopulates the ship beyond its carrying capacity - that is, its ability to sustain the requirements for life for future generations?
J.B. Shurk discusses this dilemma in his 10 January 2025 American Thinker article, "Depopulation: A Space Odyssey". It's an interesting read - an allegory which draws attention to the relationship between humans and our planet. He writes:
... at the current rate of the vessel's population growth, human requirements will exceed resources in a few hundred years...
The doomsayer proceeds to paint a picture of the future in which the spaceship is severely overcrowded, and the space travelers are forced to fight for clean air, water, and food...
"What's your solution?" another council member asks.
"Depopulation," the doomsayer answers dispassionately. "We must begin to cull those passengers who offer no benefit to our mission or future survival... We need to manipulate the spacecraft in subtle ways, so that fewer people are born and more people die suddenly. But we need to make it impossible for passengers to discern what is happening to them."...
The doomsayer, having clearly thought about his plans for human culling in great detail, begins to unveil elaborate proposals for social engineering on a massive scale. There are four main parts, he says. We must (1) destroy the family, (2) keep passengers at war with one another, (3) eliminate uncontrolled innovation by strictly controlling education, and (4) develop the tenets of a "new religion" that elevates the worship of the spaceship above all else...
... we must pit the passengers against one another. We must divide them by race, ethnicity, and religion... we can just start an outbreak of disease on one side of the ship and watch the spread of chaos fuel future conflict...
It's immediately evident that these four components of social engineering have been undertaken - and mostly completed - in America. Reviewing Shurk's four points:
- Destroy the family. In 1963, 45 Communist Goals take over USA were read into the Congressional Record. Number 40 states: "Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce."...
- Point 2: Encourage civil discord. The Obama regime set race relations back to the 1950s. Obama engineered conflict, chaos, and pitted groups against each other according to the classic Marxist notion of "oppressor versus oppressed". DEI programs peaked during the Biden regime.
- Strictly control education. The long march through the institutions began in the 1960s. Number 17 of the Communist Goals states: "Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda." This goal has been achieved with spectacular success. The entire educational system now is leftist-controlled.
- Develop the tenets of a new religion. By this, Shurk means environmentalism, which considers the relationship of humanity to our sustaining ecosystems. This ethic, which formally began on Earth Day, 1970, is now well-developed.
There's nothing wrong with environmentalism. We certainly should consider the relationship of humanity to sustaining ecosystems. But when taken to extremes, as with the hypothesis of anthropogenic climate change, it becomes an instrument of societal control. Consider, for example, the extremist mandate that everyone must drive coal-powered electric vehicles.
It's beyond coincidence that these four points align with the leftist / Marxist / socialist agenda of dismantling America's social fabric in order to rebuild society according to a leftist Utopian ideal.
Engineered depopulation may be a predominant component of this agenda, or perhaps not. However population stabilization is crucial to the future of humanity and our surrounding environment. We can't keep compounding growth forever on a finite planet.
As Prof. Al Bartlett succinctly stated:
The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.
Shurk concludes:
I don't know exactly what goes on during private meetings of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, or World Economic Forum. But I suspect that those privy councils see Earth as their own private vessel hurtling through space and the rest of us as mere stowaways depleting vital resources. One day, there will be a mutiny.
The mutiny is underway. Re-election of President Trump is first and foremost a rebellion against encroaching leftism and the oppressive globalist / elitist agenda.
We are witnessing the beginning of a return to common sense, which is crucial to continuing our challenging journey through the vastness of space.