The Cost of Your Generosity

In the past four years, we've given more than $250 billion dollars to Ukraine. All of Europe didn't pay a tenth of that much money to help Ukraine. Yet, they stand in the crosshairs of Putin's war machine, and now North Korea joined the battle! Almost certainly, Ukraine will lose the war and lose their country to Mother Russia. The latest reports show that we've given over $50 billion to Africa in the past year or so. We've given $158 billion to Israel since 1948.

In the past four years, your tax dollars have given illegal aliens and legal immigrants $150 billion annually. That adds up to $600 billion that none of us will ever see again.

Last year, your tax dollars paid out to 41 million low-income people in America in food stamps (EBT cards). The cost? Try about a minimum of $50 a day times 41 million people, times 365 days in a year. We're talking into the billions and trillions of dollars! We're talking your tax dollars are paying out to people from all over the world to live, eat and feed off the American working and woman.

What about foreign add to other countries. Your tax dollars pay out $70.3 billion in foreign aid annually. To whom?

Some of Countries That Received the Most Foreign Aid from the U.S. in 2024:

  • Ukraine ($17.2B)
  • Israel ($3.3B)
  • Jordan ($1.7B)
  • Egypt ($1.5B)
  • Ethiopia ($1.5B)
  • Somalia ($1.2B)
  • Nigeria ($1B)
  • Congo (Kinshasa) ($990M)

None of that money did any good whatsoever because foreign aid means stealing money off the poor taxpayers of a wealthy country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country. What's more, most of those countries despise America. Try to figure that one out.

What about Anchor babies? The average of 300,000 pregnant illegal alien mothers cross our borders illegally annually, give birth in our hospitals at an average of $8,000.00 per birth, and the child enjoys free education K-12, with free breakfasts and lunches, while the mother receives EBT and Section 9 Housing. You're paying it.

What does it all come to? We stand $36 trillion in national debt. Our tax dollars pay $1.5 trillion in interest annually to service the debt.

Can we save the rest of the world from itself?

I live in Colorado. We pay for somewhere around 50,000 illegal aliens with food, housing, transport, education and medical care. We can't take care of our own 10,000 homeless poor.

Legal and illegal immigration and their birth rates drive about 80-90 percent of America's population growth. We're somewhere around 350 million, and headed for 440 million by mid-century.

Third world countries keep adding 83 million new babies annually, net gain. Guess what? They're coming to America, Canada, and Europe.

So, what do you want for your children? What are you going to tell them in 2050 when they're in the middle of 440 million people in America fighting for water, energy and resources? Will there be any quality of life?