CAIRCO's impromptu protest

Several activists with Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform held an impromtu protest today near where Unaccompanied Alien Children may be relocated.

CAIRCO impromptu protest August 2014

Here we are protesting at 10th and Federal in Denver (where the feds want to bring illegal aliens from Texas to Colorado and house them). I was amazed at the support we got in this predominantly Latino neighborhood!

CAIRCO impromptu protest August 2014 2

Many people own homes there and don't want more illegal aliens in their neighborhood. They were pleased we came out. Lots of thumbs up and horn honks as well.

We heard from people on the street that there is quite a bit of intimidation by Latino open borders groups, religious people, and illegal aliens in the area. It is also big business for public education and health service employees who see illegal immigration as a source of revenue.


CAIRCO notes

The Denver Human Services Family Crisis Center is located at  2929 W 10th Ave, Denver, Colorado.

9News reported on July 18, 2014:

DDHS said Thursday it is prepared to use its 54-bed Family Crisis Center, in whole or in part, to house children from Central America.

The facility, near West 10th Avenue and Federal Boulevard, is outfitted with bedrooms, classrooms and living areas as a residential treatment facility.

There are 105 section 8 housing units at 1155 Decatur St, which is within a couple blocks of 10th and Federal. Sam Sandos Westside Family Health Center is located at 1100 Federal.

We understand that some children may be headed to Watkins, east of the metro area. The Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of HHS, has reached out to Ridgeview Academy to see if it could accommodate some of the illegal aliens.

Article: Polis, Hancock Would Welcome Child Refugees To Denver, CBS 4, July 18, 2014.

CAIRCO research: Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) - Illegal alien kiddie colonists invited by Obama administration.