Big Brother stomps on Colorado and California family holiday gatherings
By Fred Elbel on 25 October 2020
I thought I had seen everything. Then I read the Democrat-controlled State of California Guidance for Public Gatherings, October 9, 2020. These guidelines apply to all family gatherings, including Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas. They are mandatory, which implies potential police oversight.
Here are a few excerpts:
Mandatory Requirements for All Gatherings
Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited.
All gatherings must be held outside.
For any gatherings permitted under this guidance, the space must be large enough so that everyone at a gathering can maintain at least a 6-foot physical distance from others (not including their own household) at all times.
Seating must provide at least 6 feet of distance (in all directions—front-to-back and side-to-side) between different households.
Food and beverages must be served by a person who washes or sanitizes their hands frequently, and wears a face covering.
When gathering, face coverings must be worn.
Gatherings should be two hours or less.
Singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged outdoors.
Big Brother is alive and well, and is actively stomping on personal freedom in Democrat-controlled California.
Who in their right mind would want this in their own Democrat-controlled state? In a Democrat-controlled country?
Colorado limits more gatherings as COVID cases spike, Vail Daily, October 25, 2020:
An amended state health order affecting 29 of the state’s counties limits personal gatherings to 10 people from no more than two households... Personal gatherings in 30 other Colorado counties were already restricted to 10 people. No new limits were imposed for five counties with lesser caseloads.
Big Brother stomps on Thanksgiving in California, by Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, October 25, 2020.