America Unsecured - Pathway to Another 9/11
By Fred Elbel on 6 August 2015
As we all know, the Obama administration has issued unconstitutional amnesties for illegal aliens and has an agenda of actively not enforcing our immigration laws in order to "fundamentally transform America". We have a porous border across which illegal aliens from numerous foreign countries sneak.
The Summer, 2015 Social Contract Journal focuses on America Unsecured - Pathway to Another 9/11 focuses on the serious threats posed by this wanton disregard for national security. Articles include:
America 'Faces the Highest Threat Level Ever'
The 9/11 Commission Report and Immigration: An Assessment, Fourteen Years after the Attacks
'We Had No Idea That They Were Still Here' - Lawmakers seek answers to unimplemented recommendations and why America's border remains unsecured
Another Death in San Francisco
Are There Terrorists Seeping through Our Porous Border?
The Urgency of Controlling Muslim Immigration to the U.S.
Muslim Immigrants and Refugees Are Still a National Security Threat - Now more than ever
Islamic Domination - The number of mosques has increased by 100 percent since the 9/11 attacks
The Growth of Islam in America - State and city locations document the sprawl of the fourth largest religion in the U.S.
Child Molestation: Cornerstone of Islam
Diversity’s Economic Downside
The Sovereignty-Busting Trans-Pacific Partnership - What's so bad about it? by Fred Elbel
- Report from Canada - Reflections of an earlier Canada and Toronto that are now passing away
As always, the Social Contract journal offers well researched and substantive articles.